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Grayson's POV

We've been sitting around for a bit now, no one wants to talk because no one knows where to start..

I don't want to start off the conversation because I've already gotten on James' bad side right off the bat so I'll just join in when he starts talking..

"Soo..." Ethan began,

"You're twins.." James stated, looking at both Ethan and me, I'm guessing he's trying to start the conversation.

"Yeah," I answered.

"We used to be friends," Ethan began, I didn't think it was a good idea so I was going to interfere but Ian put his hand on my shoulder before I could, gesturing that it was okay to talk about our friendship.

"Me, you, Gray and Em" Ethan continued,

"Well some friends and some much more-" Ethan began hinting the relationship James and I had.

"E!" I shouted, which frightened James a bit but I couldn't let anything overwhelm him too much, there's still a possibility that James' parents would take him back to New York, I can't let that happen.

After a minute of silence, Emma began talking.

"Well, we used to be friends, I guess we should introduce ourselves before any reminiscing," Emma suggested, I was going to start but she continued.

"My name is Emma, we met after you met the twins. After we all got to know each other we started hanging out a lot and even made youtube videos together." She explained to him, Ethan then began talking.

"My name is Ethan, the better twin," his comment made my eyes roll, "I make youtube videos with Grayson same as Emma. I wear this necklace and bracelet and earrings you got for me during our many videos together.." Ethan told James as he shows him the jewelry.

"My name is Grayson, we used to be really close, all four of us. You got me this earring I always wear every day. If you need anything or have questions or bored out of your mind just let us know and we'll be right here." I explained to James.

-An hour later-

"You guys should get going, I was told James isn't allowed to be too tired or else it'll strain his health," Ian explained, and we all understood. As Emma and Ethan hug James goodbye, Ian pulls me aside,

"Remember, no relationship hints or reminders, from you or ANYONE." Ian said as he gestured to Ethan and Emma, I nodded my head.

"I'll let them know later in the car" I reassured him.

Ethan and Emma head out the door saying final goodbyes to James who was waiting by the door, I walked to him and stopped far enough for comfort but close enough so only he can hear me.

"Listen, I know we didn't get a proper first impression. Only because I was so shocked to see you after 5 years and I wasn't aware of what had happened.. I promise I'm not a stalker, I'm just a .... I'm just a...." I didn't know what to call myself, but what Ian had said popped into my mind and I knew exactly how to explain myself.

"You're a what?" James asked with confusion filled his eyes.

"I was your best friend, a sister, and I just really missed you," I told him, I tried not to look too heartbroken but I knew that nothing in me can convince myself that James needs to know anything about what had happened before he left.

Before I passed him and head out I whispered something more to myself than for him, I didn't know whether I wanted him to hear or it was something I couldn't keep inside me.

"Five years.. it was worth the wait." I whispered as I left his house and waved bye to James.

I smiled, one last time looking back at his house with memories of us, a smile that stops the tears so much that it hurts your cheeks. A smile to end the past and to begin a new friendship. I didn't know what to think, after five years of waiting I didn't know what to expect. James is worth too much to lose again, I'll bury my feelings if it means James can live a happy life, one that I can be a part of.

I get into the car with Emma and Ethan silently waited for me, we drive off.

No one wants to say anything.

It was exhausting, but at the same time, it was fulfilling. We finally got to talk to James again.

"Well," Emma started, "that was something" She announced as she looked out the window.

"Yeah." Ethan replied keeping his eyes on the road.

"At least he's back." I said trying to brighten up the mood.

"By the way, Ian thinks it's best to keep James out of relationships, he thinks it'll overwhelm him. By relationships I mean his and mine, no hints no memories no nothing, just friendship." I explained to them,

"WHAT?!" Ethan shouted, "You waited for FIVE years! Not days, or weeks or months, YEARS!" Ethan had a point, and at first, it was similar to what I thought but knowing and understanding the consequences...

"I agree with Ian. James being back is more than enough." I said trying to sound the slightest bit okay, even though my entire being hurt.

"Oh Come on, Gray. Are you stupid?" Ethan mocked, does he think this is easy for me? I'm putting James first, Ethan saying whatever the fuck he pleases, agitates me.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked him more angry than curious. I can tell Ethan was going to shout and cuss back but Emma shut us both down.

"Stop. This is too much in one day. E, understand Grayson's conclusion before you pick a fight." Emma told him as she put her hand on top of his right hand that rested on the side of the seat.

"Gray, if you're going through this whole holding your feelings back, I'll support you. I think James, being here with us, safe and sound is more than enough for all of us." She said as she looked back at me and smiled.

"Thanks, Em." I told her.

"By the way Grayson, since you've decided on your answer. We should make sure James never sees his old computer diaries. It had quite a bit of your relationship in there. It's a good thing James doesn't even know the password." She said in hopes of brightening the mood.

"Fuck." I said.

"What? You forget to lock it? wouldn't be surprised, dumbass." Ethan said, probably to piss me off because he was pissed off. It was his joke but I might've made a big mistake.

"I think I did......forget." I was thinking out loud, they just happened to hear it. 

"What!?" They both shouted with a little hint of panic.

"I-I'm not too sure. Too many things happened.." I shouted back with panic.

I can't afford anymore mistakes, Why am I like this.

Please,please, please

James CAN'T read those.

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