Big Reveal

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~Grayson's PoV ~
It's 7:10am and It's been a whole night since James came over, introduced his boyfriend and I became the biggest bitch. It has taken me a whole night to finally realize I liked him. I've been trying to text and call him the entire night so I can meet up with him and let him know how I feel, why I did what I did.

No answer.

I head to Ethan's room to ask if he talked to James recently, I knocked once and turned the doorknob "Yo, E. did you talk to James at all ever since last night-..." My question was interrupted by seeing Ethan and Emma in the bed cuddling. The fans would freak if they saw this... I thought.

"I haven't spoken to him since he came, thought I messaged and called him." Ethan replied.

"I spoke to him just now. He called me, he doesn't know I'm over though. I just told him to tell me everything but he didn't say much." Emma added.

They've been together 5 months after Emma turned 18, although it's safe to say they were together even before that. It's weird seeing her over so early in the morning. Anyway, I guess James isn't in the mood to speak to me. I felt my face slowly frowning as the thought of James never speaking to me again creeped into my mind.

"Oh come on Gray! I'm sure he's fine and he'll probably message us soon!!" Ethan said as he got up from his bed and walked towards me.

"You don't know that, all three of us texted and called him and yet he only called Emma back! What if... what if.. UGHHH!" I said as I pulled my hair, letting myself freak out a bit.

"I'm sure he's just trying to find words to say!!" Emma suggested sitting up from the bed.

I got frustrated, they don't understand how scared I really am. I felt myself losing my patience, "YOU DONT KNOW THA-," I was about to scream at Emma but all three of our phones rang at the same time.


And finally ....

That was James' text ringtone. I got excited, I got too excited.

Emma and Ethan texted back as soon as they read the message.

The message read: "Hey guys! We're still on for later today right? We can film my video today? Meet here later then!"

I felt myself smiling. Emma and Ethan already replied "okay" and "yup" so I decided to make mine a little special and said "I can't wait to see you".

The moment I sent the text, I regretted it. Emma and Ethan were too distracted to look at their phones so I took my chance to slip away before they make fun of me for it.

It might've been cheesy, but it couldn't be anymore true. I couldn't wait to see him. It's been a couple hours and Emma, Ethan and I decided to get going. I asked Ethan beforehand if they could go drop me off then take a detour so I can have alone time with James.

We get in the car and I take a seat at the back so I wasn't getting in their way.

I was just fiddling with my fingers, thinking of what to say, what to do, do I hug him? ugH I don't know.

"So, gray. What are you going to tell James?" Emma asked. She doesn't know. She wouldn't even think it was a possibility. I asked Ethan not to tell her because she'd probably run her mouth and tell James before I get to.

"Nothing, just gonna apologize" I replied.

A couple minutes later we get in front of his house and I get off, I wave bye to them and walk up to James' door.

knock knock

A second later James opens the door, I know I knew he was going to open the door but I WAS NOT READY.

"Hey!" I told him
"Hi" he replied.
He gestured to come in and I made my way in and sat down on the sofa.

"Where's E?" He asked me as he sat down.

"Oh, he went to go pick Emma up. He dropped me here first." I told him sweating a lil. A little white lie can't hurt.

It became silent for a bit and I decided it was time.

"Listen James, about yesterday" I started, he interrupted.

"It's fine." He said firmly, he must've thought I wanted to apologize, I already apologized James! Dont interrupt. This is already hard as it is.

"no. I want to tell you something. I realized yesterday that I-i" I started talking again, he wasn't interrupting.


I tried to find the words to say, but then we heard loud knocks.

Are you serious.


They're all here, they sat down on the sofa beside Grayson.

It's time.

I stood in front of them and calmed myself down a bit.

It's hard. Saying bye to my best friends.

"Listen guys, I called you here today not for a video. But to say, I'm leaving. I already posted a video on YouTube for my subscribers. I just wanted to let you guys know." I told them, I was fighting my tears.

And I can tell they are shocked too.

~Grayson Pov~
.... what?
......................just say.


It can't be.
I just found out what my feelings are, I haven't told him yet...

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