A mission

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Grayson's POV
"So? What's going to happen now?" Emma asked as I sat panicking about James reading the logs he has on his computer.

"Grayson! You do understand that a password was set so no one else can read it right? Not only will James think we're horrible people because we read it but he'll be overwhelmed by everything that was written on that thing!" Ethan shouted,

"I. KNOW. THAT. ETHAN" Shouting back even louder.

"Okay shut up," Emma screamed, "we literally stopped at the side of the road, what are we doing now?" She voiced out calmly.

"We have to go back" I proposed, I already felt the tension from the two in front, ready to protest.

"Gray-.. what the hell are we suppose to say? Oh our bad we forgot to lock the computer that literally has your memories stored in it because we read it out loud," Ethan told me sarcastically.

"Well," I began

"Smartass.. we are NOT" He screamed.

"we can go and you guys can distract James, you can say you lost your phone while I go to the bathroom," I told them, it was a pretty clever plan.. James bathroom was literally passed his room.. it's perfect!

"Well-..." Emma started, "its worth a try.." she told Ethan.

Ethan sighed and started up the car.

"Thanks, bro" I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder which he shook off.

"here's the plan, Emma and I are going to ask James to help us find my phone and you go to the bathroom.." Ethan summarizes

"Also avoid telling Ian anything about this.." I told both of them,

"why?" Emma asked, "he could help us, can't he?" she questioned

"Well, he can. I just don't want him knowing I screwed up." I said as I lowered my tone of voice.

"Oh, I see! you just don't want to take responsibility for what you've caused." Ethan sourly brought up.

"Yeah, I guess.." I started, " BUT. this all wouldn't have happened if you guys didn't show me the computer in the first place.. So I guess we're all accountable. Go ahead if you want to tell Ian and ask for help." I suggested sarcastically putting both my arms behind my neck and looked smug to piss Ethan off.

I know I succeeded when he kissed his teeth, ha ha yes.

James' POV

It's been half an hour since they left, it's been a tiring day but I'm glad.. I have good friends like them or should I say had? I don't know.. I'm just glad to know they exist..

It's been 15 minutes since they left and I decided to retreat back to my bedroom,

I laid down for a bit, just spacing out and looking at the ceiling, I thought it'd be a good way to finish the day with a little piano playing on the white piano in my room. I notice the laptop that I left in the room opened, when I specifically remember closing it. Well, I can't even unlock the thing..

"I wonder if Ian-," I thought out loud, until I was interrupted by Ian himself, and rudely may I add.

"hey-," He said looking down at his phone, "OH HoH NO. jameeesss," he said as he looked at me then the computer then back at me.

"What was that" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Wellllllll, ummm, uhhh,.....I came to ask if you even locked the door." He Blurted out.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did." I answered about to grab the computer,

"I think you should double check. We don't want strangers to come in.." he insisted.

I was a little agitated but complied since Ian cared enough for me to move me back here to help me out with my memories. "Okay, fine."

"Hahahahaha." He laughed as I passed by, I head my way to the front door, checked the lock, I was right. I DID lock it.

I was about to walk away when I hear knocks on the door.

Ian's POV
what in the hell? How did this even unlock!?

Fucking Grayson.

What May have been (Grayson x James)Where stories live. Discover now