The Baby's Coming!!

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6 Months Later:

It's been half a year since that whole kidnapping thing has happened. Since that I found out that my baby made it and I'm due to have it some time this week, oh and we left it to be a surprise so we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet. Since then i was not allowed to coke on any missions and i don't think even after the baby comes ill be allowed.

"Hey what do you want to see?" Riki asks me.

"Hmm...I don't really care." I answer him, all the guys and I thought it would be good to see a movie tonight considering we haven't been out much.

"Okay how about horror?" Hiro asks and I shake my head furiously.

"No!" We all say in unison.


"What about a comedy?" Kenshi suggests.

"No way, an action!" Takuto yells.

"Haha calm down guys it's just a movie." I say to the guys.

"Yeah but this may be the last movie we see together before you have the baby." Riki says.

"True." I say. Yeah after I have it I'm gonna be busy and not be able to go out on missions with the guys... Just then my cell phone rings.


I look at the screen, it's my mom.

"Who is it?" Takuto asks me.

"It's my mom." I say and all the guys go quiet so I can answer my phone.


"Hi Winter!"

"Hey mom."

"How are you feeling honey?"

"Good." My mom has known about the baby since just after my kidnapping, obviously we didn't tell her that I got kidnapped.

"How's the baby, have you given birth to it yet?"

"No mom."

"Wait, your father has been anxious to know, I'll put him on." My mom says and I wait for my dad. I can hear various things like 'we're gonna be grand-parents soon!' And stuff.

"Hello, Winter?"

"Hey daddy."

"How are you?"

"I'm good."

"That's good, as long as your fine then that's all I needed to know." I smile after my dad says that.

"Thanks, me and Takuto are really excited." I say and I hear my dad sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"Your growing up so fast."

"Haha daddy."

"Aww well we have to go."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye honey." i then hear the beep of the call being cut.

"Sorry that was my parents."

"Its okay." says Kenshi.

"Anyway back to the conversation!" riki states and we all start fighting about the movie all over again.

35 minutes later.

We arrived at the cinema, after fighting for at least ten minutes we decided on a comedy movie like Kenshi suggested.

"Do you wanna see a normal movie ot something in 3D?" Hiro asks me.

"I don't really care." I say.

"Okay lets just watch it normal because the glasses will cost extra." Riki says and buys us movie the movie tickets. After we got our tickets we bought our popcorn and drinks and sat in the cinema.

"I cant wait to see this movie, i heard it super funny!" Hiro says.

"Hiro please be quiet we're in a cinema." i say and he smiles.

"Okie dokie Winter!" he says.

"Hiro shut up." Takuto says and Hiro starts to pout.

"Aww Takkun why is everyone so mean?"

"Its because your annoying." Riki says.

"Okay guys please be quiet, theres alot of people looking at us." Kenshi says and we look around. Shit a bunch of people are staring at us!

"Okay..." i say and sink into my chair.

"Don't do that, you wont be able to get up." Takuto says.

"Oh yeah..." i say and get up, thats when if went dark and the movie started.

1 hour and 14 minutes later.

Its the middle of the movie, its pretty funny and the guys and i can't stop laughing.


"Oh my...hahaha!" were all laughing when my stomach starts to hurt.

"Ow..." i rub my stomach a little.

"Winter are you okay?" Riki who is sitting next to me asks.

"Yeah im fine...just a little sore stomach."

"What if the baby is coming?" Hiro says.

"What!?" Takuto yells in a whisper.

"Winter we should go." Kenshi says.

"Look i dont think I'm having the-ahh!"

"We're leaving! hurry guys!" Takuto says and grabs my hand, we all run out of he cinema and hop into the van.

"Okay we should be in the hospital in about 7 minutes, can you hold until then Winter? Kenshi who is driving is asks.

"Yeah i should be fine." i say. The pain is making it hard to breathe.

"Okay Winter just breathe. In and out, in and out..." Riki says to me and i follow him.

"Takuto grab her hand." he tells Takuto and he does it without hesitation but as soon as his hand touched mine i grabbed on tightly, holding on for dear life.

"Wow Winter you've got a tight grip..." Takuto says.

"Sorry hurts..." i say and go back to focusing on my breathing.

"Thats it Winter just breathe." Riki trys to calm me down.

"Winter i can see the hospital, just hold on for a little longer." Kenshi yells.

"Okay im doing my best!" i say. Soon we pull up to the hospital and run into the building.

"Please hurry, shes going into labour!" Riki yells to the lady at the front desk, soon some doctors come out.

"Bring her this way, we'll also need someone to fill out these forms." the doctor says and Takuto grabs the forms.

"Ill fill them out, you take her." he says.

"Okay." all the guys say. Takuto comes up to me and kisses my forehead.

"Ill be there soon."

"Okay." i say and he walks to the front desk.

"C'mon guys quickly!" hiro says as we chase after the doctor. Oh please let this baby be okay...

Hey! please ignore how the lat sentence is bold, the app is bugging out. anyway i need to do 1 more chapter and then it'll be the end. I want to do another story but i want it to be for Pirates In Love, so if you have any ideas for a new story please say. Thanx tons.


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