In The Hospital

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Me and the guys are sitting outside the operating room and waiting for them to finish on Winter. I can't believe she was pregnant and she didn't tell me... I keep thinking to myself and I sigh.

" Wow you sighed a lot since you found that out, huh Takuto?" Riki said and sat next to me. He looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder,

"Hey she'll be alright, you know her, she's a tough girl." He said and smiled at me.

"Yeah Takkun, just think of how she doesn't want you to worry."

"She has been through a lot so she should be fine." All the guys start saying to me. They're trying to make me feel better.

"Its okay guys..." i say and i close my eyes. Please let Winter be okay...she's the only one I can't lose. Before i knew it, I fell asleep.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hirukawa?" i could hear someone saying my name, i slowly opened my eyes. in front of me was the doctor and the guys who were asleep next to me.

"You should be pleased to hear that she has had a successful surgery and should be recovering fine." the doctor says and i jump up out of my seat.

"Can i go and see her?" i ask him and he nods his head. I should probably wake the guys up...

"Riki your late for work, help theres a fire, ooo a cute girl." I say and they all slowly wake up.

"C'mon guys, she had a successful surgery and we can go see her." i say to them and they all instantly look awake.

"Follow me." we follow the doctor and walk into a room. It was quite and a little dark in the room. Right at the back, near a window there was a bed with Winter sleeping peacefully inside the bed.

"Its quite late so don't be loud and don't wake her up, she's still recovering." the doctor says and walks out of the room. We all slowly approach Winter, being as quiet as possible and we all stand around her.

She had bruises all over her face, a drip thats giving her extra blood and medication and a cast around her right arm. I slowly reach and grab her hand.

"Im so sorry I have to put you through don't deserve it..." i start saying and the guys are silent.

"Wow, normally she normally has a carefree smile but now... She has a look of pain..." said Riki and I suddenly felt a tickle on my cheek. I felt it and i was crying.

"I only ever cry for special're too special to lose Winter..." i say.

"We should probably go and leave her to rest." said Kenshi and Hiro nodded.

"Roger, c'mon Takuto." Hiro said and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he faintly smiled at me.

"She'll be alright." he say's, hesitantly i slowly get up. We start walking towards the door, I turn around and look at her. Please let her be okay... I think as I walk out of the room. We all walk out of the hospital and start walking in different directions to get home. While walking it was silent, not even the crickets were making a sound. I open my house door and walk inside.

"Ugh I'm too tired to do anything..." I say and flonk onto my couch. I look at the clock, it's just past midnight. I slowly close my eyes and start entering the world of dreams.

(Takutos dream, still his POV)

"Takuto!" I heard Winter yell, I look in front of me and see a car.


I quickly jumped out of the way and dodged the car.

"Oh my god! I thought you were gonna get hit!" Winter yelled and grabbed me into an embrace.

"I don't know how I would live without you, I need you more than ever now!" She yells.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, she suddenly stopped crying and looked up. She looked at the guys and took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." She says and everyone went quiet.

I quietly walked towards her. I quickly hugged her hoping that she could feel how I felt.

"W-what...?" She said stuttering her words.

"Your not mad?"

"Why would I be mad, we're having a baby." I could see that she was gonna cry again, but I didn't think of it as a pain this time.

"Wow, congrats Winter."

"Congratulations you two!"

"Lucky ducks." All the guys congratulate us. Winter had a huge smile on her face.

(End of the dream)

I jumped up, almost falling off of my couch. I quickly looked around. Oh I'm still at freaking home. It's almost 11, I'll go to LRN for breakfast then I'll go to the hospital.

I get up and leave for Le Renard Noir.

I walk inside, everyone was there, everyone but Winter. I quietly walk over to my seat and sit down.

"Oh Takuto, we were gonna go to the hospital just now, are you comin?" Kenshi asked me.

"We were also gonna go shopping for some gifts for her." Hiro said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah I was gonna go to the hospital anyway.." I replied to them.

"Hey Takuto!" Boss came up to me with a stupid grin on his face.

"Pork noodles beardy." I say, he nods and walks off.

"What should we get her?" Everyone starts talking about what to get Winter. Hmm maybe I'll get her flowers, nah everyone gets them that. Oh, she loves stuffed animals, I'll get her one of those.

As soon as I finished my pork noodles, we say bye to beardy and head shopping.

Hey! Sorry if each chapter is really short! Once again, I'm only 12 and I'm not the best at doing stories like these. Please comment, vote and if you want, follow me!

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