Telling Them The News

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Its been two weeks since I've been kidnapped. I'm now in hospital because my arm and ribs became worse from all those beatings. Luckily i found out that my baby made it and its pretty healthy...i only have to tell Takuto about it.

"Hey." everyone walked into the hospital room and said hi to me, Takuto was with them.

"How are ya feeling Winter?" Kenshi asked me.

"Good thanks, not as sore as before." I say and they all smile in relief.

"Umm can I tell you guys something?" I say, I just want to get this off my chest.

"Mainly Takuto." I say and he looks at me.

"What is it?" He asks me. I take a deep breath in.

"*sigh* promise you guys won't over react?" I ask and they shake their heads in unison.

"We promise." Riki said and put his hand on his heart. I look around at all of them and take another deep breath in.

"Well umm....remember after the accident how when I got hit the baby that I was going to have didn't make it..?" I ask and they all nod their heads once again, Takutos face now extremely serious.

"Well...*deep breath in* the doctor that told you guys that it didn't make it was on of the Demons Dragons and the baby did actually made it." I say and look down at my fiddling hands that are on my chest.

"So technically I'm still pregnant..." I say and look up at the guys.

"Wow really!?"

"Huh?" Hiro yells enthusiastically, he's grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah Winter that's pretty amazing that you broke two ribs and an arm but still have a baby." Riki says smirking.

"Haha you go!" Kenshi yells and we laugh. I look over at Takuto,

"Takuto?" I look him straight I the eye and say,

"What about you?" I ask him and he comes close to me. He gently grabs my hand and kisses my forehead in front of everyone.

"You got hit by a car, got kidnapped and now look at this." He says with a

"Your such a handful, do you really think I'm gonna abandon you because of a baby? Our baby?" He rests his hand on my stomach and smiles.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving you, or the baby." He says and it makes me smile.

"Excuse me." A lady nurse walks in.

"I'm very sorry but visiting hours are almost over, could you please leave soon?" She asks

"Yep, give us a few seconds." Riki says, she nods and walks out.

"We hafta go Takuto." Kenshi says and he nods.

"Bye Winter." All the guys say as they leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Takuto says and smiles at me before he walks out of the room.

"Bye." I say and smile to myself. Me and Takuto are going to have a family...a happy and wonderful family.

Hello once again! Sorry if this one is short but I wanted it finished ASAP! So here's the thing... I don't know if the baby should be a boy or a girl:/ please tell me what it should be and if you can, can you please give me a name for him/her because that will also make it easier.

Thanks for reading!


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