New Family Members

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I'm laying in the hospital bed with the guys(except Takuto) and the doctor around me. Kenshi let me squeeze his hand while i go though the awful pain.

"Its okay Miss Woods just breathe." the doctor tells me.

"Im trying!" i say, trying not to yell. Suddenly the door flys open and Takuto walks in.

"Are you okay?" he asks me.

"Do i look okay to you!?" i yell out to him, it just slipped out of my mouth.

"Don't worry they all act like this." the doctor says to him.

"Okay." Takuto says and stands behind Kenshi.

"Now anyone who doesn't want to see this should leave the room now." The doctor says and the guys nod their heads.

"I'm staying." Takuto says as the guys are leaving. Riki puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Good luck." he says, Takuto nods his head and sits next to me. He takes my hand and i squeeze it.

"It'll be okay Winter." he says to me.

"Yeah you have no idea what im going through, Takuto!" i accidentally yell at him.

A nurse walks in with a trolley full of towels, water and other medical equipment that i don't know about.

"Okay Im going to need you to open your legs." the doctor says and I do as told even though this i embarrassing as anything.

"Doctor her water broke." the nurse says and the doctor nods his head.

"Okay Miss, focus on your breathing and push." the doctor says calmly. I squeeze Takutos hand tighter.

"Ahh!" i start to scream.

"Its okay Winter just breath and push." Takuto says in a reassuring tone. Okay girl just do it...breathe, push...breathe, push.

"I can see an arm, carry on pushing!" the doctor says.

"Urrrg!" I'm literally squeezing Takutos hand off.

"Wahhh!" suddenly the pain is minimised and we could hear the sound of crying.

"Oh my god..." i say as i look at the new born baby.The nurse takes him away to wash him.

"Ahh!" i yell again.

"Winter!?" Takuto yells.

"I think I'm having another one!" I yell and he grips my hand firmly.

"Okay just push and focus on your breathing again." the doctor tells me and i do as im told again.


"Wahhh!" we hear crying once again. This time the pain is almost completely gone. Thats when i realise that i had twins.

The nurse takes the second baby away and I look at the doctor.

"Did i have...twins?" i ask him and he nods. I look at Takuto, shock all over his face.

"We has twins." i smile at him and he smiles back.

"Yeah." he says and kisses my forehead.

"Your sweating a lot." he says to me and smirks.

"Oh shut up!" i say, then the nurse walks out with the babies wrapped up. She hands one to me and one to Takuto.

"The first ones a boy and the second ones a girl." she says and smiles at us.

"Sir your holding the girl and you're holding the boy." she says. Takuto looks at the little girl lovingly.

Love Letter From Thief X- Takutos Life SaverWhere stories live. Discover now