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"If you don't wanna die, you wont shoot." the guy says to me and I gulp. Takuto help me please!

"So this is how it's gonna go down. We're gonna take her with us, and you's foxes ain't gonna get in the way." He says and grabs my cast on my arm and shakes it viciously.

"Ahh!" I yell and Hiro flinches forward, but is held back by Riki and Kenshi.

"Yeah right! like we're gonna let some random bozos like you guys kidnap her." Riki says and the man smirks at him.

"Oh just you watch." he says and removes the gun from my temple. He then takes the back of the gun and hits me in the head with it.

"Winter!" I hear all the guys yell my name but I quickly lost consciousness.

Takuto POV

That guy just hit Winter in the head with his gun.

"Winter!" the guys and I all yell.

"Now to finish with the foxes..." the man says, picks Winter up and flings her over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I say and one of his other guys came closer to the van.

"Finish them." he says and walks away, Winter on his shoulder. Shit what can I do... I look over at Winter on his shoulder. She's wearing the ring I gave her for out 1 year dating anniversary.

Wait... I put a tracking device on that ring!

The man hops in his car and drives away.

"Alright let's get em." one of those other guys say.

"Works for me." Riki says and cracks his knuckles. Agh I hate that soun-wait it's not the time to be thinking that!

All of us jump out of the van and launch at the four guys. They put up a good fight but were no match for us.

"Pfft that was way too easy." Riki says and smiles.

"Yeah that was lame-o-rama." Hiro says and we all look at him.

"Hiro no one says that anymore..." Kenshi says and I can tell he just mentally face palmed himself.

"Guys c'mon we have to get back to LRN." i say.

"What!? Winter was just kidnapped!"

"Trust me, I've got a trick up my sleeve." I say and the guys look at each other before nodding. We all leave the place in a hurry.

Winters POV- At an old factory warehouse.

"Mmm..." I wake up to my head hurting really badly.

"Oww..." I try and touch it but my arms are tied together.

"Huh!? help!" I just remembered what happened and I realise where I am. Am I in an... old factory? There were machines and conveyer belts everywhere.

"Well well well, looks like the granddaughter has awaken." I hear a scary voice come from in front of me. Out of the shadows walks the man that I had kicked earlier.

"W-who are you and why do you want me!?" I scream at him and he laughs in amusement.

"Haha I'm glad you asked. I'm the leader of a group, The Devils Dragons and we kidnapped you because..." he stops talking and smiles at me.

"We were planning on killing the black foxes, that's why your little boyfriend almost got hit by a car, but for some reason you pushed him out of the way and got hit yourself."

"Yeah so why do want me now if you wanted the Black Foxes dead first?" I say and he looks at me with a smirk.

"Because you are precious to the Black Foxes and they will be coming here to get you back, that's when we will launch and kill them." He says and starts to walk away.

"Now like I said we had spies following you and they were everywhere. I think the first thing I should tell you is that your stupid baby made it." he says and my eyes grow wide.

"We also know about your arm and your ribs so," he clicks his fingers and about 7 men come out.

"Have fun." he says and walks out of the room. I'm now left in the room with all those men coming slowly towards me, knowing that I have broken ribs and an arm.

They all beat me, punched me, kicked me, slapped me, anything that you can think of from mortal combat, they did that to me. I screamed hoping someone would come and save me.

When they were done they walked away leaving me beat on the floor. My ribs and arm were now broken again and were killing me because I'm consciousness. Takuto...guys...please save me...

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