Chapter 43: ComeBack

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Jin's POV

"Taehyung..." I said as i held both of Taehyung's shoulders. For the past few weeks he is always like this. Drunk, staring in nowhere. All of us are worried for him. His beard is already long which means he is really not taking good care of himself

" need to move on." Jungkook said behind me. Taehyung looked at him and suddenly all his tears were running to his cheeks.

"Fuck off!" He pushed Jungkook and he went to his room, we followed him there and he sat at the edge of his bed. " I love her and I want her"

"She was always yours Tae. You'll just have to fight for it" I said while patting his head

"But she has already gave up."

"She didn't hyung. How do you expect to have her back if yoir just seatin on your feelings and she's seating on her throne? You have to talk to her and do whatever it takes to have her hyung because all of us might take her someday" Suddenly Taehyung glared at Kookie

Kookoe continued "You have to prove to her that you're worth it and she is worth it. Go and have her. For sure she's just mad but she still loves you, she is just waiting for you"

"You love him Taehyung..right?" Jin hyung asked and helped me stand up

"Ofcourse hyung so much" I answered while wiping the tears on my face and faced the both of them.

"Then prove that. You know we like Jennie, atleast put justice to our sacrifice Taehyung." Jin answered.

"You know what? You're right I should go talk and take her with me"

"Then move your ass hyung!" Jungkook said and suddenly slapped my butt.

"Aarrggh!" I chased Jungkook all the way to my room but when he pass to Jin, Jin hyung held his arms stopping him which made me kick his ass

Jungkook fell on the floor rubbing his butt while rolling around "Ouch hyung you two are bullying me!"

"Bullying my ass" Jin hyung spoke and stood up to take his jacket.

"I should get ready I'll go to Jennie's house" They both faced me with a devilish smile. "What?"

"Goodluck" They answered in unison before leaving my room. I suddenly felt nervous. I hope everything turns out will. I will do whatever it takes to win her back and have her forever.

Jennie's POV

"That looks so damn amazing Chim" I said while looking at all of Jimin's art works. Well he is really good at this kind of stuffs

"Thank You. Yours looks good to though" He replied.

"Stop that for a while let's go have our lunch first" I said and took his art papers and put it aside "Let's go!"

He was left with no choice and stood up to go follow me. We arrived at the kitchen and immediately dig in. After eating we sat in the table for a moment and have a little chat until the door bell rang.

"I'll just check who it was" Jimin nodded and I then walked to the door. I opened the door and slowly i saw the face of a very familiar fave I have been longing all this time.

"Jennie." I was about to close the door but he immediately stopped the door from closing "Please let's talk about this"

"We have nothing to talk about. Leave me alone" I tried pushing the door more but he is too strong compared to me.

"Who's that?" Suddenly Jimin asked behind me. I faced him causing for my attention to divert on the opposite way which made the chance for Taehyung to open the door.

"Oh..Taehyung?" Jimin said while pointing at him, Taehyung glanced at me and then to Jimin and me again and Jimin. "What are you doing here man?" Jimin went to Taehyung and held his shoulders. Taehyung gazes are glued on me which made me feel awkward

"He wants to talk to Jennie" Jungkook suddenly spoke behind Taehyung and Jin came out of nowhere....where did they came from?

"Oh. Jennie he wants to talk to you." Taehyung looked at me as if trying to please me but I end up losing and just nodded.

A smile formed on Taehyung's lips and immediately grabbed my arms and ran. And if you'll ask me where? Will damn I also don't know wher this guys is gonna take me.

We went to his car and he drove in silence. I keep on glancing at him while he is just focus on driving while smiling...what is he thinking?

"We're here." He stopped the car infront of a big white gate with flowers beside it. He looked at me and smiled.

We entered the gate and a big house....mansion welcomed me. It's paintings is white with a hint of black on it and beside it is a big swimming pool. "What is this?" I asked him.

"This is our house babe...." My eyes went wider after he said that and slowly he kneeled down. He took something from his pocket. And he showed me what it is. It's a small red...i don't know what it is.

"I love you to the moon and back. I'm very sorry for all of the things that I made to you causing you to cry, but please babe. Give me a chance to love you again. You changed me into something i didn't expect me to be." He said and tears fell down to his eyes

"I want you to stay with me forever. I want you to be with me day and night. And I could not ask for more. Cause you my baby is enough to make me happy and enjoy my life." He paused for a moment and took a deep breath

"Will You Ms. Jennie Kim. Will you marry me?" I covered my mouth and i can't help myself but to cry. I nodded and Taehyung's tears fell fast and fast but it seems like he really wants me to say it.

"Yes Mr. Kim Taehyung. I want to marry you." He put the ring on my finget a d quickly stood up and hugged me and then turned me around.

"I love you sooooo much" he said in between our tight hugs.

"I love you too. But...this mansion though it's to big for the both of us"

"Don't worry... We will add 5 for people there...what if we start making them now?" I slapped his arms and we both laughed. He took my arms again and hugged me.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Jennie."

"Me too."

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