Chapter 4

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As I climb in bed, Loki asks "Would you like my services tonight, my king? We haven't done anything for two days. You must need my services."

"Not tonight, my pet." I smile, before kissing him atop the head. When he gives a discouraged look, I ask "What's wrong?"

"Do my children put you off?" he asks and I shake my head "Then why don't you look at me the way you did that night in the stables?"

"I've been thinking." I admit, before biting my lip. The confession I want to make is: be my queen. But what comes out is "Serve yourself tonight." he gives a confused look, as I start to pull off my clothes and laying next to him "I want you to think of your own pleasure."


His lips part ever so slightly as I run my fingers through his hair. His sleeping frame leans against mine. And something in me clicks.

I didn't want him only as a submissive. Over the years, I grew to miss him dearly. I've grown to appreciate the worst of him, and cherish the rest. Although it's been twenty years, I can't help but feel like it's been a lifetime more. He is not the same Loki, and I, not the same Thor.


As Loki pulls his hair back, he declares "I'm going to go visit Fenrir. Read him a bedtime story."

"Would you like company?" I ask and he shakes his head "What story are you going to tell him?"

"The story of the mortal with steel hair." he smiles, before declaring "It was his favorite story."

Once he finds he looks descent, he turns to me "I'll probably be gone for most of the day. The story is rather long."

"Are you going to see Jormungandr and Slephnir, as well?" I ask, pulling on my shoes, as the warrior three have requests my attention.

"No. Jormungandr usually eats once a month, and in large quantities. It's best not to bother him today." Loki states, before continuing "I have to drop by the stables to get the book, but Slephnir is getting castrated today, so I won't stay long."

"Would you like me to bring you lunch?" I ask and he shakes his head, before pulling on his shoes.

"I'll be fine." he smiles, before standing "Don't get yourself killed, please. I gotta go. Far well, my king."

And with that, he's out the door.

When I meet up with the warrior three, and Sif, in the village, Hogan hands me a vender snack and asks "Where's Loki?"

"He's busy." I state as we start walking around the kingdom. I haven't been able to do this in years.

We talk, and joke, until I stop to throw away my trash. When I turn, I find the four are gone. As I look around, I spot them, running towards the bifrost. Farther ahead on the bifrost, is Loki, turning into the relic hall.

Instantly, I start running after the warriors. As soon as I reach them at the entrance to the relic hall, I hiss "Don't you dare go in there!"

Despite my wishes, they sprint down the stairs. When they see the relic hall is in tact, Volstagg asks "Where did he go?"

"-was The Three Sorcerers, but today I'm going to read your favorite." I hear Loki's voice echo through the halls "There once was a blacksmith who had no hair. He had no hair, nor did his wife, who bore a child."

"We should leave!" I whisper, blocking them from going further down the hall "None of you belong here!"

"The blacksmith watched over his wife from Vanhala. And when the little girl was born, the blacksmith was reunioned with his wife." his voice is slightly muddy "The blacksmith saw his daughter had the same fate as her parents. As the queen thought the little girl would take her beauty."

"Who is he reading to?" Fandral asks and I point up the stairs. Silently, we walk up the stairs.

Once we're on the bridge and walking towards the kingdom, I state simply "You four are not to pass the relics hall. You're not allowed to follow him into the stables, or anywhere over water. That is my order, as your king."

"Thor, he can't be trusted!" Sif insists, marching alongside me "He's a manipulative snake who's going to fool you into giving him a throne!"

"You speak so poorly of your king." I remark, before smirking "You forget yourself, Sif. You know not of my pets intentions. Nor, of mine."

She gives an annoyed look and I raise an eyebrow to her. Finally, she sighs "Yes, my king."

We're silent for another moment, before she sighs "Exactly, what are your intentions then? Why Loki?"

I spear a glimpse to the fishing boats, before explaining "I've lived twenty years without him. And I've discovered that I need him in my life."

"Yeah, but what if he-"

There's a sudden commotion on the fishing boats and one fisherman yells to me "My king, there's a serphant in the net! None of us can touch it without getting burned! Do you wish for us to kill it?"

"No!" I call out, starting back towards the relic hall "Try pulling it towards the bridge! At all costs, do not harm it!"

And with that, I sprint back to Loki, the warrior three hot on my heals. When we reach the relic hall, the warriors stop, and I sprint towards Loki "-the queen desperately tried to take the girls hair."

He stops when I barge in "Jormungandr got caught in a fisherman's net. The fisherman were about to kill him."

Loki instantly sprints out of the room. Worry blanketing his face as he races down the bifrost. As soon as he reaches the boats he leaps into the water and conjures a dagger as he speaks to a wild Jormungandr "Darling, you know better than coming this far east!" As he starts to cut Jormungandr loose, his skin stares to turn blue and his eyes, red.

"Darling, you have to stay still!" Loki speaks breathlessly as furious cuts at the net "You're going to be fine, darling!"

"How can I help?" I call from the boat, only to get ignored by Loki nervously trying to help his child "Loki?"

"Yes?" he screams, before answering "I don't know! He's not making sense!" he turns back to Jormungandr, frantically "Listen, I need you to understand that you're not going to get hurt!"

As the last of the net is cut, Jormungandr drops into the sea, before coming up looking like his true self "I'm sorry! I was chasing this big fish, and I didn't realize how far I've gone!"

Loki lets out a whine, before wrapping around Jormungandr "You scared the living hell out of me!" He holds him for a long time, before declaring "We have to get you home!"

"I can do it myself." he states and Loki disagrees "Mum, I can do things on my own. I can swim faster than you can paddle."

"Straight home?" Loki asks and Jormungandr nods "Be careful. Stay safe. I'll come to you tomorrow, by bifrost."

Loki gives him a kiss on the forehead, and Jormungandr is gone. When he's gone, I pull Loki out of the water "I'm sorry I ruined your visit."

Loki chuckles in relief "I'd rather have one dead son instead of two, or three." he bends over to catch his breath "Seriously, thank you for stopping them from hurting him."

"Yeah, well." I shrug, before asking "Are you going back to see Fenrir?" he shakes his head "Why not?"

"Thor, he's dead." Loki reminds "He's not going to know the difference if I finish the story today or tomorrow."

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