Chapter 6

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I'm awakened by waves of pleasure. When I open my eyes, I find Loki rocking on top of me "Well, I'd like to wake up to this every morning."

Whimpers escape his lips and I reach to grip his thighs, only to find my hands tied to the bed posts. I raise an eyebrow to him "Oh, your dead." I declare "You'll be punished for this."

He lets out a wild whimper, before his thighs tremble and he sprays over me. When he collapses beside me, he blushes a dark red, before asking "How bad am I in the hole?"

"Untie me and find out." I growl. After a second, he unties me, and I grab his by his hair and pull him over my knees. He yelps as my hand collides with his arse. When I pull away, I can see my handprint on his arse "You will stay silent, or this'll be worse."

When I hit him again, his body tense. With a smirk I toss him on the bed and stabilize myself on his head, before pressing into him and hissing as he winces "You did this to yourself."


At breakfast, he sits next to me as the warrior four sit at the table. I look to Loki "What are you doing today?"

He clears his throat and replies "I'm going to go to visit another realm." he gives me a look, explaining that he's going to Jotunheim.

"May I come along?" I ask and he nods "Have you seen Slephnir?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Who's Slephnir?" Fandral asks.

"A horse." Loki states "Got castrated yesterday. Had him since he was born. Real special horse, he is."

"How is that?" Sif asks.

"He's a beauty." I nod, before explaining "Nice pattern. Four socks. Star. Fast little thing, he is."

We nod in unison and Loki clears his throat "I believe I'm going to go get ready. I'll be in the stables, working him out, when you're ready."

He squeezes my hand, before standing and walking away "About last night." Volstagg starts "What did we walk in on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I smirk, before acting innocent "I was just giving my pet a bath."


"That's a good boy!" Loki roars, as Slephnir speeds around the round pin. When he sees me and the warrior four, he slows the horse down and grabs his lead "Come on boy! Let's get you some molasses oats, and an apple!"

We step into the stable and I find him digging into a barrel to retrieve brown oats and place them in a bucket. When the horse gets to close, Loki punches him back.

When he puts the lid back on the barrel and walks Slephnir into his pin, he hands Slephnir an apple and the horse chomps it in half, accidently dropped the other half. Loki feeds him the other half, hanging the oats on the side of the pin. Once the horse is eating, Loki takes his water bucket and refills it.

While hanging his water, Loki receives a big slobbery kiss on the cheek from Slephnir and Loki exclaims "Loss your balls and you become a big softie again! Where was that two days ago?"

Slephnir nays and throws his head back, playfully. Loki shakes his head with a smile "You're such a happy boy!"

I smile at Loki's joy as the horse looks to me. Slephnir lets me scratch his neck as Loki shuts the pin and turns to the shepard "Just let him run around the paster after he's done eating. If I'm not back by nightfall, just put him in his pin and feed him some sweet corn. Thanks."

He turns back to the horse as Slephnir turns to him "Big boy has a sweet tooth." he pats the horses side, before turning to me "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes." I smile, before leading him out and towards the bifrost "I packed us a lunch." I tell him.

"Thank you." he smiles and I give him a short nod, before he scoffs "I told you that he's a sweet heart."

"You feed him a lot." Hogan states.

"Yes, well. I used to feed him like a regular horse, but he was just too thin." Loki explains "I believe it's his eight legs. His heart is bigger, and it pumps more blood, so he burns more calories than a regular horse."

"How old is he?" Volstagg asks as we step onto the bifrost.

"He's two." Loki nods, before explaining "The dad, I sold to a farmer. Mother..." he shakes his head "Thought I'd have to put him down." he looks back to them "But, he opened his eyes and started walking around. And I fell in love with him. I didn't care if he costed me three times as much as another horse, or that I wasn't getting any profit from him. He was worth it."

"You feel in love with a horse." Fandral smirks.

Loki shrugs "I spent twenty-eight hours, helping his mother through active labor. Mine was the first face he saw."

"Twenty-eight?" I ask and Loki nods.

"He was so big, I thought it was twins!" Loki smirks "In my twenty years in the trade, I've never seen anything like Slephnir."

After another moment, Loki smiles "I'm proud of Slephnir. He's very impressive to me. What do you think?"

"He is." I nod, before explaining "He's a very beautiful horse. You've trained him well. Is he sattle trained?"

"Yes." Loki nods, before sighing "But he has a rash on his underbelly, so I have to wait for that to heal up, before I can sattle him again."

"He'd be a good plow horse." Hogan states.

Loki chuckles "I'm not plow training him. He's too beautiful to be hoofing through mud every day." He insists, before declaring "He's wagon trained. I've used him to pull grain from the market."

"Norms, you're such a stable boy." I smirk and he rolls his eyes. I look to the warriors "We climbed a mountain the other day. He did it without stopping to take a breath."

"It's not my fault that you're getting soft, old man!" Loki smirks, punching me in the arm "Besides, you spend twenty years shovelling hay and carrying grain!"

"I'm not getting soft!" I insist, before reminding "Remember, I can still take you!"

"Yeah, if I let you." he smirks, before chuckling "I have no need to prove myself. My ego no longer exists."

"I have an ego?" I ask and he nods. I hand Fandral the basket, before grabbing Loki by the thighs and slinging him over my shoulder and taking the basket back.

He laughs "Put me down!" he shakes my back and I continue walking. Eventually, he gives up and hangs there "Thor, you are insufferable, you know that?"

"So are you!" I remark and I feel him shrug. Suddenly, he spanks me "Did you just spank me?"

"No." he lies and I roll my eyes "I did no such thing, my king." after I shake my head, he asks "And I in the hole again?"

"Not quite yet." I smile and I hear him sigh in relief "Now, if you pull a stunt like the one you pulled this morning, then we'll have a problem."

"I'm the god of mischief!" he reminds "It's my job to pull stunts!"

"Yeah, well." I sigh, before explaining "That type of stunt belongs to me, not you."

"What stunt?" Sif asks, walking alongside me.

"I woke him up by riding him." Loki chuckles and Sif looks at me in horror "He liked it, until he discovered that his hands were tied to the bed."

"Hey now!" I hiss and he chuckles "You're such a brat!" We reach the bifrost and Heimdall chuckles.

"Why, Loki. I see you've earned your title once more!" he places his sword and opens the portal.

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