Chapter 14

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Cheers erupt as Loki marches through the doors of the throne room. He waves to the people, before ending up on his knee before me. With a smile, I step forward and silence the people "Today, we unit two kingdoms, through marriage! I, Thor, king of Asgard, am here to wed Loki, king of Jotunheim! To take him to be your queen!"

I turn to Loki, who kneels before me "Are you consenting to live a life with I by your side, Loki?"

"I am, my king." he states.

"You may stand!" he does so, and I receive a good look at him. His hair is natural, with two braids holding it back.

The septer that I hold, I hold out to him and he takes it, before turning to the people. With a smile, I announce "All hail, Queen Loki!"

Everyone kneels before us and chants "All hail, Queen Loki!" and I can see something inside Loki fade, replaced with distain.


"Thor, I can't do this." Loki whispers as I raise the covers over us. Three people stand in the corner.

"Just relax." I whisper, before I start moving. When I look up at Loki, he looks utterly violated. With a weak smile, I turn his face to me "Don't focus on them. Focus on us."

He nods and I continue moving. Slowly but surely, he starts opening up. His legs wrap around me, his back arches, and his fingers lock in my hair as he rives under me.


As we sit at our feast, the Steve asks "Wait, what took you five so long? Is there paperwork or something?"

Loki grovels and I clear my throat "It was a christening ceremony..." I look down at Loki's wrist to find it's purple "What happened to your wrist, my pet?"

He pulls up his tight sleeve to expose a purpleish grey handprint "You electrocuted me, you arse!"

I take hold of his wrist and gently run a finger over it "I'd like you to see a healer. That looks terrible."

"Please, look around! Every healer is half drunk, or more!" Loki states, before chuckling "I'd leave without a kidney!"

I take his wrist and place my lips to it, causing him to roll his eyes "Kiss an ouche and if gets all better."

"Frigga did that when we were children." Loki states, taking his wrist back, only to take my hand "You will be a great father, Thor."

"I already am." I smile at Jormungandr. He doesn't pay attention. He's too busy talking to a group of kids.

"What is this?" Bruce asks, holding up his ale.

"Ale, my friend." I smirk, swigging mine down the hatch "Be careful! In my experience, Midgard alcohol is nothing next to ours."

Natasha hisses "Bruce, you're cut off at one. I don't want the hulk to come out for the first time in twenty years."

"Nah." Tony smirks, chugging his "Banner isn't a violent drunk. He's a weepy drunk. Isn't that right?"

"And you're always drunk!" Barton declares, before looking to Natasha "She can't get drunk. Neither can Steve. I'm in hysterics when I'm shitfaced. And I don't think Thor can reach that limit."

"He can." Loki nods, before looking my way "He's the same, but on crack. More macho, more righteous, more of an arsehole."

"Says you!" I hiss, before turning to the group "Loki can't stomach alcohol." Loki tries to shut me up, only to get me declaring "He tries to act all sexy, then ends up over the trash."

"If we had Jotun liquor, you'd be fucked up." he states, before frowning "What's Heimdall doing?"

I look up to find Heimdall standing next to the door "That is for me." I look back to Loki "I will be right back."

As Heimdall and I walk out into the hall, he sighs "At the end of service, the warriors will walk him down to the dungeons."

With a look back at Loki, I clear my throat "I'm going to give it a couple days, before I tell him about the execution."

Heimdall gives a short nod and smiles to me "You should be with your new queen, my dear friend."

When I return to Loki asks "What was that?" When I dismiss it, he shakes his head "Thor, tell me what that was about!"

"Odin." I state and his features go worried "He'll be leaving soon. Heimdall was asking about his departure."

Loki chuckles "Wish he would leave now!" He looks over and smiles "Spoke to soon." when I look up, I find Odin heading for the door.

I take Loki's hand and kiss it "I want to celebrate, but there is something I need to do first. I will be right back."

As I march out, I find the warriors have already took hold of Odin "What is this? Let me go! Or pay the price!"

"Which you never did." I state, causing the warriors to turn "Odin, son of Bor, you are awaiting trial for the death of Fenrir, son of Loki."

"You're mad!" Odin insists "You're barking! You won't get away with this! That bastard will be your downfall!"

"Have you no guilt?" I ask and he struggles again the warriors "Your downfall, was Fenrir." I turn to the warriors "To the dungeons with him. Put him in Loki's old cell."

They pull him off as Heimdall stands next to me "My king, I was wondering if you'd like me to show him his wife's dying day? Who she visited on that day? The rage he's taken from our queen?"

"Break him." I order, before turning around to find Loki walking out of the feast "My queen, what are you doing out here?"

"I wish to know what's taking you away from me this night." he states, crossing his arms in front of him.

With a nod to Heimdall, he disappears and I smile at Loki "Political emergency." I insist, before kissing his forehead "Come along. Our guests are waiting."

"No." Loki stands strong and hisses "You think me a fool, do you? You're hiding something. What is it?"

"Loki..." I sigh and shake my head "It's nothing to worry about." I whisper, holding his face in my hands "Everything is fine."

"Then tell me why you told Heimdall to leave, just then." he insists, glaring up at me with aggravated eyes.

"Because he's going to go torture a prisoner." I state and Loki's lips part in shock "And I didn't want to trouble you."

"Who's the prisoner?" he asks, looking up to me in worry.

"Village man. Killed an innocent." I explain, before sighing "Next week, he will go to trial. He'll make his claim. By the looks of it, he'll meet the chopping block."

Loki gives me a little nod, before clearing his throat "Come along. We need to celebrate."

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