Chapter 10

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It's been two months and Loki wears his pregnancy beads everywhere. He no longer wakes me ten times a night for sex. Now it's once for sex, once for vomiting, and seven times for taking a piss.

Cravings have taken over his mind. He's either stuffing his face, or begging for sex. It's rather adorable at times, or it's annoying.

Today, we stand in the bifrost. We go to Midgard, because Loki craves pizza. Loki stands in tight black pants, black shoes, a tight black shirt, and his colorful beads.

As I look at him, he frowns "What are you staring at?" his attitude has come back, however he's often quite happy.

"You're beautiful." I whisper and he rolls his eyes, before I turn to Heimdall "We're ready for you to open the portal."

"My king." he places his sword down "I shall drop you in a safe place."

As soon as we land in Midgard, Loki raises his hands and sighs "Heimdall, you are an arse and a half!"

We stand in front of The Avengers compound. Natasha already holds a gun in his face. She has barely aged.

"What are you doing here, Odinson?" Natasha asks as she moves the gun closer to Loki's face "And why is he here?"

"Natasha, please." I give her an unamused look, but she doesn't waver "Loki isn't here to harm."

"Then why is he here?" she asks, shoving her gun closer to him "Why shouldn't I shoot him here and now?"

"Because you'd be killing an innocent." I state and she scoffs, before I explain "Loki bares a child." her gaze wavers to his stomach "Killing Loki would lead to Midgard waving war on Asgard. For the death of it's prince."

"Or princess." Loki frowns at me, before disregarding the gun and glares at me "What makes you think it'll be a boy?"

"What makes you think it'll be a girl?" I ask and we stare at each other for a second, before I ask "Or do you know something I don't?"

"I don't know!" He shrugs, before declaring "I just have a feeling that it's not a boy. Jormungandr and Fenrir weren't like this."

"Okay, then it's a girl." I shrug "Fine by me."

"Wait." Stark smirks as I notice he stands next to Natasha "So, Point Break slept with Reindeer Games, and now Reindeer Games is pregnant, somehow." he shrugs "Why are you here?"

"Pizza." I nod and Stark frowns "Loki's very persistent. And very bratty."

"Oh, peanut butter!" Loki declares, before gasping "And pretzels, and pineapple. I want those. And candy."

"Forget the baby. I already have a four year old on my hands." I smile and he punches me in the arm "I'm only joking."

"Arse." Loki grumbles.

"I'm still holding a gun on you." Natasha states and Loki pops her hand up and takes it from her, before taking out the magazine and empty the chamber.

He hands it back to her and replies "Not anymore." he looks to Stark "Where's the best place to get a slice around here?"

"Anywhere." Stark states and Loki nods shortly, before looking to me. Stark frowns "Wait, what's happened in the past twenty-something years?"

Loki grumbles and I wrap my arm around his shoulder "How about we talk about this over pizza?"


As Loki chops into a slice of pizza, I explain "Because we already had the tesseract in Asgard, we replaced it with the ether and shattered the tesseract into pieces and sent them off in different directions. If someone wanted to use it's power, one hold have to find all the pieces, but to find them, one would need the stone itself."

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