Chapter 7

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As we step into Jotunheim, Loki calls out "Jormungandr, darling! Mummy is here!" I smile at that.

Jormungandr runs out with a smile on his face "Mum!" he collides with Loki and lands on his knees to hug him.

"My little man is getting so big!" Loki smiles, before kissing Jormungandr's forehead "I love you, so much."

Jormungandr sees me shiver and he smiles "Come on, let's go inside." When we make it inside, he leads us into his room, which oversees the whole kingdom.

"Jormungandr, have you ever tried cake?" I asks and he shakes his head "Well, I brought some."

"Actually, I'm getting pretty hungry." Loki smiles "How about we eat lunch?" we all agree and we sit down.

Loki takes Jormungandr's hand as I take out the food "I figured you might want to eat, so I brought you food."

"I'll eat, but I'm not hungry." Jormungandr states.

"Jormungandr is like a snake." Loki states "Normal snakes eat around once a week. Their digestion is slow."

I nod and sit in my seat, wrapping my arm around Loki's waist. A smile creeps across Jormungandr's face.

After the meal is done, Loki stands and excuses himself to the bathroom. When he's gone, Jormungandr clears his throat "So. You and me mum."

"Listen." I move a seat over "I can tell that Loki wants you closer to him. He can't leave Asgard because of Fenrir and Slephnir. You can't leave Jotunheim because you can't control your temperature." he nods and I ask "If you could control yourself, would you come to Asgard? Live in the castle?"

"Yes." he nods.

I drop my tone to a whisper "Can you keep a secret?" he nods "I will come here, everyday, to try to help you control it. In return, you will not tell you're mum I'm doing so."

"Why would you do that?" he asks.

"Because I want your mum to be happy." I whisper "I don't want him to worry about you. Because I'm worried about you in association."

He thinks for a second, before smirking "When do we start?"


As we walk back towards the kingdom, Loki smiles "Jormungandr likes you. Told me want he hugged me."

"He's a good kid." I smile "A lot like you." I take his hand and state "I like him. I wish you didn't have to be so far from him."

"It's fine." he shrugs, before stopping at the entrance to the relics hall "I think I'm going to finish the story. Would you like to come with me?"

With a smile, I follow him in. As we pass the relic hall, I hear murmuring from down the hall. When we get there, I find the four warriors holding torchs for light "I ordered you not to come down here!" I roar.

"What is this?" Sif asks, stepping forward and pointing towards the skeleton with the torch "Why hasn't it's corpse been burned?"

"Don't." Loki pleads as his eyes start to water up "I beg you. Put those torches out, and back away."

"Why?" Fandral asks, stepping towards the fur covered skeleton "Why are you reading to a skeleton?"

"Get out!" I order, but they stay strong "As your king, I order you get out!"

"Fine." Sif asks, before throwing her torch on Fenrir's furry skeleton.

A agonized scream escapes Loki's lips and he drops to his knees as flames swallow Fenrir's body. I drop down next to Loki to comfort him.

He grips onto me and sobs out "My baby! You've burned my baby!" he screams so loud that his voice is instantly raspy "Put it out! My baby! Put it out!"

He breathes heavily and screams out, gripping onto me. He screams out until he runs out of air and it's soundless.

By the time the fire is out, Fenrir's skeleton is black and his fur is gone. The only sound in the room is Loki's hyperventilating crying.

All I do is glare up at the warriors. They stare down at me in sorrow.


As we lay in bed, Loki sniffles in his sleep. I, have yet to go to sleep, when there's a knock on the door.

Sif sticks her head in and whispers "My king?" I nod and pull the blanket over Loki, before sliding out of bed and walking out of our chambers.

The four warriors stare at me and I sigh "What could you possibly want from us? Would you like to axe the bones?"

"How is he?" Sif asks, trying to take a peak inside of our chambers, only for me to shut it and start down the hall.

They follow as I sigh "He cried himself to sleep. He hasn't eaten. He hasn't said a word. And yet, you have the audacity to come here."

"We just wanted answers." Volstagg states.

"Fenrir is Loki's first born. He could transform into a wolf. Odin was told that Fenrir would lead to his demise, so Odin came to Loki while Fenrir was hunting. Odin drove his sword through Fenrir's skull when he came home from hunt, and kept his body as a relic, for the past fourteen years. Fenrir was four." I state and they stare in disbelief "He begged Odin to kill him to. Loki was Fenrir's mother."

"How many children did give birth to?" Fandral asks and I hold up three fingers "Can you tell us any more?"

"The snake from yesterday, is Loki's second born son. He's ten. He lives in Jotunheim." I sigh, before scratching my forehead "Loki feared Odin would kill him, as well, so he hid him. Jormungandr can't control his temperature, and Loki needs him, so I'm going to teach him to control it, so we can surprise Loki."

As we walk out of the castle, I continue "Slephnir is Loki's third son. Long story short, Loki fucked up."

"Can we do anything?" Hogan asks and I glare at him "How can we help? We need to do something."

"Just..." I sigh and stop them "Just stay away from him. Let him come to you, before you go to him."

When I continue walking, they follow "How long do you think that will take?" Volstagg asks.

"I don't know." I sigh, before explaining "New Loki is nothing like Old Loki. New Loki doesn't care about the throne, and doesn't want fame. New Loki appreciates everything. He loves. His rage is gone. He's someone you need in your life."

"And we screwed up." Sif states and I nod.


When I get home the next morning, I climb in bed as Loki wakes "Where did you go?" he asks, eyes already welling up.

"Political emergency." I smile, before kissing the his forehead "Are you hungry?" he shakes his head, before getting up.

"I'm going to eat. I know i need to." he states, before walking out of our chambers.

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