Chapter 20

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As Slephnir trambles down into the dungeons, Loki doesn't even move, but when, the warriors cart in Fenrir.

"If you thought that would effect anything, you're damn wrong." Loki insists, not even moving.

"Then what would happen when Slephnir joins Fenrir?" I ask, raising my staff in hand "I could drive this into his skull."

A look of horror comes over Loki's face as I turn to Slephnir and kick his foot, causing him to drop on his front knees.

As Slephnir cries out in surprise, I rest the tip of my staff on his forehead and Loki twists to reach out as he cries out "Don't hurt him!"

When I pull away, I notice Loki's eyes are red, but then they go right back to blue and he turns back, only to twitch his head to the side, over and over again.

After a minute of complete silent, he smashes his fist into the wall. When he smashes his other fist to the wall, he rests his head against it, before pulling back and slamming it into the wall.

In an instant, I scream to the guards "Open the cell! Now!" As soon as it drops, Loki holds his hand out.

"Stay back!" he calls out, before resting his head on the wall.

"Loki, talk to me!" I insist as he sniffles "What happened on Jotunheim? It's been two days since I saw you last."

"It has?" he asks, finally looking back to me as he trembles. His red eyes dart around the room, not looking at anyone "I can't believe that. Not at all."

"What's happened?" I ask and he shakes his head, before brushing past me and up the stairs.

By the time we catch up, he's almost to our chambers "Hel."

"Hell, what?" Tony asks.

"No, Hel!" I correct and he gives a confused look "Our daughter! Loki, what's wrong with Hel?"

"Thanos has her!" he calls out as he busts into our chambers "I gave birth yesterday, and he took her!"

"Is she alive?" I ask and he nods as he looks under the bed "How? It's only been four months since-"

"I don't know, Thor!" he hisses, before sighing "He put me under the scepters control, and gave me a mission to come here and kill you. If I failed, I was to kill myself. If I return empty handed, Hel is dead."

"Where's Jormungandr?" I ask and Loki goes rigid, before sitting straight up "Loki, where's our son?"

"He's on Thanos's side." Loki states, before standing "I've got to get back and I need Odin's head."

He starts back down to the dungeons as I declare "You're not going alone."

"Well, how the hell am I going to pass off the fact that it's your head in the bag, when you're by my side?" he asks and I glare at him "Fine, I'll deflect you from him." He points to the Avengers "There's no way they can stand against him. Maybe Natasha, Barton, and Steve."

"Thanks." Banner frowns "Really, you guys are great."

"I can't trust the hulk to stay under cover." Loki states, before grabbing Hogan's axe and going past the dungeons, into the morgue.

When he spots Odin, he pulls the axe up and brings it down on Odin's neck "And I couldn't care less, if my life was on the line, but MY BABY isn't going to die because of Banner's green friend."

As Loki shoves the head in a bag, I ask "What's she like? Hel?"

Loki stops for a moment, before looking away and lifting his shirt. A stitched line runs across his stomach as he explains "Only got a glimpse of her. Blue eyes. Strong lungs. Didn't get to hold her."

"Oh, Loki!" I whine, stepping towards him, only for him to slice my hand "What did you do that for?"

"A head isn't convincing without blood." He states, before dipping the bag in the puddle of blood on the ground "Worry about me when we have our daughter."

And with that, he walks out of the room.


As we sit on the boat, Loki sighs "Thor?" I look to him "When you get your hands on Hel, I want you to run. Get out of Jotunheim. Get out of Asgard. Just go. Don't tell me where you're going, because he's going to get inside my head."

"Why didn't you tell me, about New York?" I ask as he pilots the boat.

"When he gets in your mind, he makes you believe that he'll kill everyone you love, if you even whisper his name." Loki states.

"He threatened Frigga?" I ask and Loki scoffs "Why do you laugh?"

"You think I thought so little of you." he states, before shaking his head "He threatened Frigga, yes. But first, he threatened you."

I smile weakly at him and he looks ahead of us "I will not survive this battle." he declares "But I will die a warriors death. And you will live a long life, Hel by your side."

"I'm not letting you die." I state and he gives a weak smile "Loki, you're going to live to see Hel grow and we're going to have plenty more children."

He stops the boat at the edge of the rocky beach and stands "Stark, you're going to have to chip your manicure. We have a climb."

By the time we're in the tunnel, Banner sings "Happy birthday to Hel, happy birthday to Hel! You better be glad, kid! Cause you're putting me through hell!" on the extraneous climb up.

Inside, Loki whispers "Everyone stay quiet." When we make it back to Jotunheim, the trees are cut down and blood pools in several places.

When we reach the castle, I find one of Thanos's children holds a blue baby with blonde hair. The woman that holds Hel, is green. Jormungandr sits on the steps in front of Thanos. Thanos sits on the throne.

"I bring you Thor's head, on hisses staff." Loki smirks, holding the speared bag by the staff. When he tosses it to the ground, I notice his eyes are a foggy blue.

Thanos smirks mischievously, before ordering "Gamora, come over here." the girl holding the baby walks over Thanos takes Hel from her "I believe she's not quite one of a kind, yet."

He takes a pair of scissors in hand and holds out Hel's tiny left hand "Thanos, don't!" Gamora hisses.

"An earlobe is good enough." Thanos nods, before grabbing Hel's earlobe and a snap rings through the castle, before she starts screaming.

I can see Loki struggling to keep it together as Thanos tosses the detached earlobe at Loki.

Gamora takes the baby and tries to calm her as Thanos glares at Loki "That's not Thor's head in that bag."

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