Chapter 5

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As I sit in my bath, Loki finishes writing in his journal. Once he shuts it, I speak, softly "Come here, please."

Silently, he comes to my side and I order in a soft tone "Take off your clothes, please." he obeys and I hold out my hand to him.

Once he takes it, he steps in and sits with his back on my chest "Do you wish to be pleasured?" he asks.

"Yes." I speak softly "But not right now. Right now, I wish to talk to you, and clean you, and explain things to you."

"What do you desire to talk about, my k-" I cut him off with a kiss and he nods "That's a fine subject."

"Are you alright? About todays events?" he nods, as I lather soap into his hair "Loki, I want you to know that I don't want you as my pet."

"Would you like me to leave?" he asks, a drained look covers his features as slowly wash his hair clean.

"No." I smile "I want you in the castle, with me." he gives me a confused look and I take his chin, before kissing him gingerly "What I'm about to say, is counterproductive to what I'm about to do."

"What are you to do?" he asks, staring my in the eyes "Should I trust your words, or your actions?"

"What I'm about to do, is the disgusting side of me, that only you will see, my pet." I explain, before continuing "I'm going to show you the worst of my sexual dominance. If, at the end, you can't handle it, I will understand if you choose to leave."

He speaks softer than ever "And what do you wish to say?"

"I want you as my bratty little submissive." I smile, before whispering "But I also want to court you. To eventually call you my queen."

"Thor." he gives a sad look "What will the people think? They'll think I manipulated you. I don't want that."

"You don't have to be involved in politics." I insist, before gripping onto his wet hair "All I need, is to have you at my side, and make Asgard look to you with respect."

He gives a short nod, before whispering "Why do you want me by your side? Of all people, why me?"

I scoff and grip his hair "I love you, Loki." he gives a soft look and I sigh "I spent twenty years away from you, and I just couldn't stand to be apart from you any longer." my grip tightens and I nod "You don't have to tell me you love me, but-"

"I love you." I nods, before leaning back, against me "It's my pleasure to be by your side, Thor."

He turns around to give me a kiss, before smirking "Now, what was that thing you were going to do to me?"


I can't help but cherish his compromised position. He sits on his ankles, trembling in never coming ecstasy. His hands are bound by chains that wrap around Mjolnir, who lays in front of him. Him mouth is gagged, but it doesn't silence his load moans.

The ring around his penis doesn't allow him release, and the thin vibrator gives him endless pleasure.

When I take off his gag, he begs "Please sir, let me cum! Let me cum, sir! Let me, please!" he gasps for air and I can't help but smirk.

I smack him across the face, hard "Do you know what whores get, my pet?" he shakes his head, breathlessly as sweat covers his face "Open that filthy mouth of yours. I want to use that silver tounge of yours."

Obediently, he does, and I drop my pants. As I stand there, I grip his hair and use his mouth like it nothing. The back of his mouth drives me insane. When I spill into it, he whimpers and I order "Swallow it, or keep it in your mouth. You're not getting a chance to spit it out, whore."

As I put the muzzle back on, he obeys everything and I step back to watch him squirm and whine.

An hour passes, and he lays tiredly over Mjolnir as he pathetically humps the tile. With a snicker, I remove my clothes and kneel behind him. When I remove the vibrator, that I got on Midgard, he seems to relax, until I press into his.

He pops to life and whines out as I sink into his tightness. No doubt, it's hurting him. Silently I remove the ring and toss it to the side.

When I remove his muzzle, he lets out a whine of relief, before turning back to me with a tired look that pleads for the end.

With a smirk, I pull him back by his sweat soaked hair "You're not done yet." I growl in his ear, before pressing him to the ground.

As I pound inside him, he lets out obscure moans. When he lets out a cracking moan, I know he came, and I smack his arse, causing him to yelp.

As he lays limply on the tile, breathing heavily, I spill into him and he lets out a breath of relief. Once I pull up my pants, he looks to me, defeatedly.

I sit him up to unchain him, before standing him up "Can I please go to sleep?" he asks and I shake my head "Why not?" he pouts.

"You smell terrible, my pet. You need to get clean." I smile, before placing him in the bath and sitting along the rim "How was that for you?"

He sighs "I'm going to be honest, I liked it." he sinks down into the bath and hums "I'm so tired."

"And what... what did you think about to hitting?" I ask and he smirks up at me as I wash soap out of his hair.

He's about to saw something when there's a knock on the chamber door "You may enter!" I call out, and the warrior three and Sif push in "What brings you to our chamber at this hour?"

"Can he no longer bathe himself?" Volstagg remarks, pointing towards the nearly napping Loki in front of me.

"He can." I insist, before asking "What brings you here?"

"Can we speak to you?" Sif asks and I nod shortly. Once they're out the door, I stand Loki up, cover him in a rob, and send him to bed.

Once outside, Fandral explains "We took the rest of today trying to figure out what's happening, and we figured it out."

"What did you figure out?" I ask, a smirk toying at my lips.

"That snake was a Jotun, but there's no Jotuns left, except for Loki." Sif explains "So Loki has a son that lives in our ocean."

"So, that's who was in the fishing net!" Volstagg exclaims, before continuing "And we're guessing that he has another that lives in the relic hall! It must be a small child, because The Maiden with Steal Locks is something you wouldn't read to a older kid."

"So Loki has two children!" Hogan insists.

A chuckle escapes my lips and their knowing looks, drop "How are we wrong?" Fandral hisses.

"You four are both closer and further from the truth!" I chuckle, before shaking my head "I suggest you all just stop. You're not going to find the truth, without damaging your loyalty to me."

With that, I turn back and walk into our chambers, to find Loki already asleep in bed. After stripping from my clothes, I climb into bed.

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