Chapter 9

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After a long visit with Jormungandr, we return to Asgard. Currently, we lay in bed and he rives under me as I cover him in kisses. When I pull away from him, he whimpers "What's wrong?"

"I want the real you." I whisper and he frowns "Come on, let me see your true form. Please, Loki."

With a sigh, he fades into his true form and I smile, before running my fingers along the raised lines on his chest "You're so beautiful."

"No I'm not." he insists and I kiss him softly "Why are you doing this?" he asks, a uncomfortable look on his face. When I give him a confused look, he asks "Why are you lying about it?"

"I'm not lying." I smile, before stating "You're very attractive. I want you." he gives a bewildered look "Yes, I want you."

As I slide his pants off, he bites his lips "Do you find me more attractive in this form, or the other?"

I shake my head, before kissing him lovingly "Don't you get it?" I ask and he frowns "I don't care about something as simple as skin. I just want you to be comfortable in your own skin."

With a smile, I lead kisses down his body and I can feel him starting to enjoy his Jotun form. This night, we make tender, gentle, love.


The next day, Loki sits in bed in his Jotun form in our bed as he writes in his journal "What are you writing?" I ask, sweetly.

"Nothing of import." he states, but I can tell it's a lie. I take his hand and kiss it gingerly "Seriously, Thor. It's nothing."

"Is it about..." I lead off, not wanting to upset him.

"No, it's not about Fenrir." he insists and I can tell it the truth. He sighs "It's about me, and my body."

"Well, I think it's wonderful." I smirk and he scoffs "Seriously, write in there that I love it, and I love you."

"It's not that type of entry..." he shrugs, before clearing his throat "I just... I think you should read it. It's about the changes I observed when I was pregnant."

"May I?" I ask and he hands it over "Is it finished?" I ask and he nods. With a sigh, I sit next to him and take his hand.

"The morning after Fenrir was conceived, I felt an ache in my back, and I remember that it felt like I wasn't alone, even when nobody was anywhere near me. I felt the same with Jormungandr. Something about them filled me with a sense of relief, not twelve hours after their conception. It's like you never feel upset when your pregnant. You're either joyous, or content. At times, you feel like you're flying on a high, the warmth of everything is utter ecstasy. And after all these years, I finally feel the same. My back aches, but I feel like my mind is running on a high. This morning, I woke, and instantly knew."

My grip on his hand tightens and I smirk, before looking at him "Are you serious?" I ask and he smiles, before giving a joyous laugh.

I place the book beside me and wrap my arms around him. He ends up in my lap as I hold him. There's a knock on the door and Loki casts it open, not moving from my lap.

When the warriors walks in, they frown and Hogan asks "Why, you two are very happy today. What happened?"

Loki and I share a look, and he lets out a little laugh, before climbing out of bed, pulling me along with him "I'm hungry." he declares, pulling me out of our chambers and down the hall.

As we walk, I whisper "You realize that we'll need to wed, before they're born, right?" He nods and I sigh "Are you okay with that?"

He nods and whispers "I'm in content." he chuckles and I roll my eyes, before wrapping my arms and him. Erotically, he grips my hair and whispers "Another thing." I hum and he whispers "I'm horny."

"What are you two talking about?" Volstagg asks and I practically jump out of my skin "Are you alright, my king?"

"We're fine." I state, before clearing my throat "However, today you four must tend to Slephnir for Loki. You don't have to work him out. Just feed him and set him loose in the pasture. Can you do that?"

"Yes, my king." Fandral smirks, before asking "May we ask what's gotten into Loki? He seems rather unlike himself."

Loki chuckles and starts to announce "I'm ho-"

But I cover his mouth and explain "Loki is having a weird hormonal imbalance that Jotun get from time to time. He's had this a couple of times before. I'm going to watch him until he's better."

After breakfast, I lead him back to the room and he practically attacks me. What did I get myself into?


As Loki sits in the bath, there's a knock on the door and I walk to open it to find the four "Bloody hell!" Fandral scoffs "You look exhausted."

I step out and shut the door beginning me "Listen, you know that thing that I've been doing?" they nod "I need you to do it for me."

"May we ask why?" Sif whispers, as not for Loki to overhear, though I doubt he'd care if he did.

"Listen, in going to be straight with you." I look back at the door, before whispering "The hormone imbalance is making Loki very horny. I believe, if I leave, it'll only make him sexually aggressive." I shake my head at that "Trust me, you won't have a king left if he's any more aggressive."

Volstagg chuckles "I thought you were the dominant in the bedroom, my friend. How are you already so whipped?"

With a sigh, I explain "Trust me, his aggression overtakes my dominance, and it-"

"Oh Thor!" I hear Loki call and an irritated look covers my face as the warriors laugh at the situation.

"Unless you want to hear Loki, I suggest you clear out." I state, before opening the door "Wish me luck."


The next morning, I wake before Loki and slide out of bed as there's a knock on the door. When I open it, I allow the four warriors in.

"My king." Fandral smiles "We've brought you breakfast. And we've cared for Slephnir already today."

"Thank you." I smile, before pointing to the beads Volstagg carries "Where did you get those."

"The stable boy said they belong to Loki." Sif states as I take them from Volstagg "Do you know what they are?"

After examining the beads, I find that it's a headpiece. A feeling of recognition overcomes me and I think back to Jotunheim. I saw a pregnant woman wearing something like this.

"I do." I state, before looking to Loki's sleeping form. His blue shoulder blades press muscles back and I smile "Thank you. This could help."

"What are they?" Hogan asks and I look back to Loki, before looking back to them "We will keep it a secret."

As Loki flips in bed, I sigh "I can't tell you, just yet." I whisper, before making sure Loki is asleep "You'll know when you need to."

They start to exit, but I declare "Just, don't go digging again."

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