Chapter 11

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"Let's stay here for a few days." I smile as we walk back towards the compound "Just a couple?"

Loki shrugs and I smile "But only a few days." he insists and I nod "What do you want to do while we're here?"

"Statue of Liberty? Broadway play? Central Park?" I shrug, wrapping an arm around him "Maybe, possibly, find out the sex of the baby?"

His eyes bulge.


Shuri smiles "It's quite advanced for nine weeks." she presses the monitor into Loki's stomach and asks "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" Loki nods very quickly and Shuri flips a switch. A whirling sound comes over the room and Loki grips my hand and lets joyous tears stream down his face.

"Can we find out if it's a boy or a girl?" I ask and Shuri nods, before starting to move the monitor.

A smile comes over her face and she moves the screen so we can see. She points to the screen and explains "It quite clear. The baby is showing it's genitalia. And it is quite obvious that the baby does not possess a penis. This means-"

"It's a girl?" Loki asks and Shuri nods. Loki looks to me and I smile down at him.


As we walk off the ferry that leads to 'Lady Liberty', Loki sighs "Listen, last night, I was thinking..."

"What were you thinking?" I ask as we start up the endless stairs on the way to the statues crown.

"Well, if she's a bastard, she might be looked at as a harlot." he states, before sighing "I don't want that for her."

"What are you saying?" I ask, giving him a satisfied look.

"I'd like to marry you." he states, raising his head to give an illusion of authority "And I want you to announce it to the kingdom."

"Of course, my queen." I smirk and he grovels as we continue up the stairs.


Loki enjoyed the statue. Currently, we walk down the streets of New York. My arm around Loki's shoulder as I hear a familiar voice behind me call out "Thor?"

Loki and I stop in unison, and turn to find Darcy and Jane walking towards us. Jane is in her early fifties. Darcy, in her mid fourties. It was Darcy that called for me.

When they stop in front of us, Darcy smiles "We were just talking about you. We were wondering if you'd taken the throne or not."

"I took it last year." I remark, before clarifying "However, I wish I would have taken it fifteen years ago."

Jane frowns "Wait, I saw you die!" she speaks to Loki, before asking "Why would you come back to earth?"

"Jane, they're probably visiting Odin." Darcy states and Loki cringes at the name, causing Darcy to frown "Or not?"

Loki clears his throat "Actually, Thor and I were about to go to lunch. Would you like to come along?"

Nervously, Jane and I start to disagree, but Dracy shrugs "I can eat." Loki smirks at that and I force a smile.

When we get to the restrant, Loki holds the door open for the girls and smirks mischievously at me.

As we sit at a table, Loki pulls off his jacket to reveal a tight shirt that shows his stable boy muscles. Darcy remarks "Is everyone in Asgard a body builder?"

Loki gives an embarrassed smile and explains "No, I'm a stable boy."

"And a mountain climber, and parent." I smirk and he shrugs "But now you care for one horse instead of twenty. And you live in the castle."

"Why were you a stable boy?" Darcy asks as a waiter walks up to us.

"Excuse me." the waiter says, nervously "My manager told me that I can't serve you. You must leave."

I glare at him "That's completely moronic! How dare-"

"Thor." Loki interrupts me, before looking to the waiter "I understand." he gives a weak smile, before grabbing his jacket and standing up.

He walks out and Jane frowns "What happened in the past twenty years?" before standing and walking out the door.

Outside, Loki sighs "Shall we try another place or what?" We walk into the place next door and we're seated.

Once we're seated, Darcy takes a piece of bread and starts pulling it apart, as she asks "Why were you a stable boy?"

Loki follows her actions, before explaining "A guard found me, brought me back to Asgard, healed me, then through me to the kings mercy." Loki looks to the menu, before continuing "He stripped my vanity, and gave me the stables. He would be able to see my shame whenever he desired."

"Is that why you can't stand his name?" Darcy asks "Because he gave you a job, when you could have been on the streets?"

Loki looks up from his menu with an uneasy glare, before giving an irritated "No." and looking back down "For starters, someone of my complexion is seen as a monster in Asgard. You must understand that I know I'm a monster, but my children are not."

"You have children." Darcy states and Loki nods "You have a wife." Loki smirks and shakes his head "How many kids do you have?"

"Four." Loki states, before asking "What about you two? Any husbands? Children?"

Darcy presses her lip into a line "I was married, and I had a little girl. But after Ian died, I moved back to New York and now we share an apartment with Jane."

"I have yet to find the one." Jane smiles, before looking to me "What about you, Thor? Have you found a queen?"

"Indeed." I smirk.


As we part ways, I glare at Loki "Really?" he nods and we continue on our path, before a pretty thing runs up to me and screams.

"You're Thor!" she screams, before looking to Loki "You're Loki!" she smiles happily "Can I take a photo?"

Loki gives an amused smile, before taking the girls phone and holding it out to take the photo, before giving the phone back to her.

Loki frowns "That was a first."

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