Last encounter

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"Another nightmare?"i ask

"Tisha, you... Will never leave me right? Right?"

And yeah i haven't tell her anything... Damn timing hates me a lot. Because i will leave tommorow, like really tommorow.

Damn what should i say?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Well... I don't know"she said

"Well I'm sure sooner or later you're gonna leave, right?" I ask with a sad smile

"Probably. Let's just wait until chicken cross the road."

"Trying to crack another joke? Because I still can't understand it." I said "Well I have a sudden feeling that you're gonna leave me tommorow."

"How do you know?" She asked

"I guess I have my sixths sense" I said while jokingly wink at her

"How about today, I'm gonna lead you towards the main city of Crystal Kindom? The place where you were born in"

"Sounds good" I said, tears of confusion are in my eyes.

I don't know, is this tears of happiness, or sadness, or something else.

We walk towards the Crystal kingdom while try to rewind memories we spend together in this forest.

Tisha has been like a mother figure to me. She's the one who teach me how to speak, how to use my power, how to find food, how to act in every situation, how to make a homemade clothes, and much more. She's also the one who always there by my side, no matter how irritating I am, no matter how dumb and silly I, she's there.

I look every inch of this forest, each leaves I couldn't forget, the color and shape.

I look at the puddle that reflects my look. I can't even see my face right now. I'm not in the mood to.

We walk for a long time now and the fresh smell from the forest starts to fade away.

Now it smells like ashes and rocks. I guess we're near.

My thoughts are cutted of by a sudden giant flat rocks, i mean wall that i bumped into.

Auch, that hurts.

"(Y/n) were here, now lower your aura."

I did what she told me.

"Okay we're good"


We went in through the open gates and we started to look at our surroundings.

All we see are just a dark boring city with ashes all over the place.

Even people in here looks like a robot, no energy, no life, no hope.

They work all day. Not even greeting each other, no smilling at each other.

Even the thing they wore are just a old looking dress for the rich mans. (for men and women kind of dress, you know the ancient looking dress for rich people, like the centuries ago kind of dress) looking all torn up and dirty and some of the poor one looking more terribly dirty, wearing t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Whooaa, i feel like i should bought a clothes like that, i wouldn't want to be in the center of the spotlight.

I should find some place to stay to, permanently.

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