So Close

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"I can't understand you (y/n), even in this condition, weak condition if I may say so myself, you can still argue with me."

Well it's just that, I don't want to do something that instant.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Then, what are you going to do?"

I don't know, probably fight until I die.

"Yeah, good luck with that."

I know there must be a point that I could defeat him, somewhere.

"Yeah, good luck with that too."


(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I keep on attacking him, in every edge and angle. Nothing seems to work though.

I can't find any gap in his technique. He's so fast, even too fast. When will his breath runs out?

"I don't know, like never?" He chuckled.

I'm serious do you want me to die?

"I thought you have found my weakness already!?"

I thought I do!?! But my brain just said "sike muthafukaaa"

"Still got time to joke?" He looks at me with his famous bunny smile while we were holding hands, not in a romantic way, in a wrestling kind of way.

We grabbed each others hands and push with all our might, but my power was nothing to him. I push him as hard as I could and the reaction is that I just slide my way back slowly.

"(Y/n) you must've found something, I don't want to tell you my weakness, I want you to use your own brain."

Says who I want you to told me anyway?!?! I asked for help not a key for my winning!

... and I am not giving up that easily!

I push him harder as I sense him got a bit taken aback.

I promise, I will have your bell, before 10 minutes!

I kick him in the knees and quickly jump on top of him ( NOT IN THAT WAY YOU PERV) I rested my weight on him so he couldn't get up. I took the chance to look for the bell but I couldn't reach his hands. He uses my struggling moment to got up.

"You weren't that heavy to stop me like that."

I once again get up. He didn't seem bothered by all the damage I caused on him, I mean how can a human being resist the pain of being kicked in the knee, from the front?!?! Your leg would've face the other side.

"My lady, I told you, I am stronger than what  you could've expected... but I do have my weakness as well."

Don't call me with "my lady".

"As you wish my lady." I saw him smirked.

What is? What is his weakness.

Think (y/n) think.

He started attacking me with no mercy. He kick towards my face but I ducked in time. He then use his tornado kicks and once again I ducked. He then tackles me like a soccer player and I jump.

When I think of it, he uses more of his legs huh?

As he read my thoughts he just suddenly use his hands to try to punch me in the stomach but I dodge to the right, but I couldn't have enough time to dodge his sudden uppercut.

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