Part 38

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Setting is in New York just a few months ago.

V walks into his now ex, apartment excited to see him. Despite their recent argument on the phone.

"Really dumbass, I told you not to come over. What didn't you understand? Do I need to pound into your head? Is your stupid showing?" His ex says.

V stand there, not saying anything. His ex rushes at him, hands in fists and swings. But missed, on purpose.

"I just wanted to see you babe." V cries.

"Well I said I didn't want to see you today. But you're too stupid to understand my words. Y'know, if the sex wasn't good, you'd been gone a long time ago. At least you have that ass. Something good about you."

"We had a small argument, really? Small and now you don't wanna see me? We argued about nothing practically and now you don't wanna see me? Makes no sense!" V yelled.

That was the last thing V should have done. His ex stormed at him, rage in his eyes. He grabbed V by his face and threw him on the floor.

"Oh? Trying to be a tough guy huh. Yelling and standing up for yourself? Very brave of you sissy boy. You know damn well your worthless weak ass can't do anything to me. That's why you just sit here and put up with me. No-one else wants you, they never will!"

V started to cry, knowing his ex was right. But he had had enough. He jumped up and ran to the kitchen. His ex chased after. But as soon as his ex reached him, he had ran into the knife V was holding. The knife went straight into his ex stomach. Blood started dripping and his ex was screaming in pain. Asking for V to help. Apologizing. V took one last look, and ran. He went back to his house, with his grandma and gave a small explaination to her. She understood and helped V leave to California.

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