King Richard

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Anwen drove the wagon across the ridged path. The horses trotted through the woods as the wagon they pulled jostled it's passengers. Roslyn sat in the back cradling the scroll in her arms. Although she could not read it, every now and then she would unroll the parchment and stare at the symbols as though they made perfect sense then she rolled it back up and held it close to her heart yet again. 

Although she was happy for her mother, Anwen did not share her enthusiasm. Moving to the castle would mean she might never see Zaragus again. The thought of leaving the old man made her vision blurry with the tears that welled up in her eyes. She had to try to keep her mind off of him in order to stay on the road, but her head kept filling with old memories of reading in the back room of his old book store, and the days when she was little and he would read to her, or that time in the winter when she got the flu and he closed his shop for the entire week and spent it instead reading to her. Zaragus was her best friend and he was always there for her. Tears began to stream down her face and she couldn't help but sob a little. She breathed heavily and as they approached the castle Anwen wiped the tears and wished away any thoughts of the old man.

The sun had just begun to set by the time they reached the castle. The sky had turned a brilliant shade of pink and orange and the sun its self was eclipsed by a gargantuan tower. Whispy clouds hung over the outside village, and swirled around the taller towers of the keep. The gates swung open as they approached and the sound of trumpets blared. The rickety wagon was greeted by a group of nicely dressed servants, who guided Anwen and Roslyn towards the castle. Anwen looked back at the cart for a moment. She then broke from the guiding arms of the servants and ran back to the wagon. She reached into the back for her green bag. It was full of books from Zaragus; two new books that he ordered special for her and her three favorite books from her childhood. Anwen clutched the bag close to her chest and rejoined the servants and her mother.

"You won't be needing any of your things Miss. King Richard has everything prepared for you." Said the servant on Anwen's left.

"This is special." Anwen said politely, the servant nodded.

They walked up the tall steps of the keep and approached a large door. The door opened and pushed a gust of air through a great hall. The air passed over the colorful paintings of past kings and swirled under expensive looking wooden tables that held up china flower pots and golden candle sticks. The guests entered the hall and fallowed the long red carpet that lead up to another doorway where King Richard stood.

"Roslyn!" He called in a deep and loving voice.

"Richard!" Roslyn croaked in response on the brink of tears. They walked to each other and embraced. Anwen stayed further back awkwardly, they looked happy she thought.

"And who's this?" The king asked loosening his hold on Roslyn.

"This is our daughter, Anwen."

The king smiled. "She's beautiful!"

"Thank you my king." Anwen curtsied. The king laughed and embraced the dark-haired girl.

"I am your father, how about referring to me as such?"

"Um...alright, father." Anwen said awkwardly. The words felt strange in her mouth, perhaps because she had never had a father figure before.  But she also felt like it was something else, like that name didn't belong to him, but to someone else. She was suddenly reminded of the time she accidentally called Zaragus father. The old man didn't correct her, he just simply smiled that ridiculous smile of his and gave her a warm hug. The name suited him better out of her mouth than it did when she called King Richard by that title.

"How about a tour of the castle?" King Richard offered.

"I'd love that!" Roslyn exclaimed.

"Actually mother, father, I'd like to go to bed for now. I'm really tired, go ahead without me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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