Introduction- Chapter 1

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"JUNGKOOK!" Jungkook's mother yelled from downstairs "You have 5 minutes to get your butt down here. The college manager is expecting you soon!"

Mrs. Jeon was downstairs with Jungkook's luggage that she had packed already. She was excited for her son finally deciding to go to college. He majored in dancing and singing, Jungkook's dream was to become a kpop star ever since he went to his first concert he ever saw when he was 16, EXO. Him and his best friend, Kim Taehyung, shared the same passion to become a kpop star so both of the boys were praying they'd end up in the same classes. Jungkook is now 20, And Taehyung is 21.

"Coming eomma" Jungkook said as he logged off over watch. He was more than nervous to go to college. Jungkook was beyond scared that he wouldn't get picked to be a trainee when he tries out and the judges wouldn't think he's good enough. But he had to get those thoughts out of his head and think positive. He thought about meeting new people and being able to do whatever he wants without his mom's help.

Jungkook went downstairs to where his mom was, They got in the car and drove off. "Are you excited ?" Jungkook's mom asked to make conversation.

Jungkook hummed "I guess. I'm a little nervous I won't see Taehyung at all"

"Oh honey you'll be fine. You and Taehyung both are in the same major so you guys should be fine. I'm sure he feels the same way" Mrs.Jeon said looking at her son who was looking out the window "Make your father proud. He's watching you from above and you know what he is seeing?"

Jungkook shrugged and sighed "He is looking at a disappointment" Jungkook mumbled. He has always hated his father but never told his mom so he has to keep it a secret every time she brings him up. She obviously didn't hear Jungkook mumble what he wanted to say, but he then said soon after "I don't know"

"He is seeing a handsome, young man that is going to do great in life. Believe in yourself baby, Youll do great" Jungkook rolled his eyes at how cringey his mother was acting. They soon arrived at the college Jungkook was going to be staying at. He unloaded his things from the trunk. Mrs. Jeon smiled and hugged her son tightly "Have fun sweetie" She said

Jungkook began to walk to the front door after Mrs. Jeon drove off. He was surprised at how big it was, it was like a fancy hotel. It had a lobby with a lounging area that had small water fountains on the sides, a Starbucks, a restaurant, this place must've been expensive when his mom payed for it. Jungkook approached the lady at the front desk "Ma'am" He said to get her attention, which did "Hello. My name is Jeon Jungkook"

She smiled "Ahh yes, you'll be staying in room 611 with a roommate that i can not tell you the name of because he has not arrived yet. Here is your schedule and keys" the lady gave him the keys and his schedule, he headed off to go find where his room was first and then he wanted to explore. It was on floor 2 so it wasn't too far from his classes. He was excited to know who his roommate was, As long as it wasn't a serial killer or something.

Jungkook opened the door to his room he was doing to be sharing, his mouth dropped. He was so impressed at how beautiful looking it was before he put all his stuff in it.

He put his stuff down and unpacked almost everything

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He put his stuff down and unpacked almost everything. He decided to undo all the less important stuff and save it for later, knowing hes gonna have a roommate and how much space the roommate he'll use. Jungkook doesn't really care if his mate is a girl or a boy. He gets nervous around girls so much rather have a boy for a roommate.

He walked out of his room to go make sure that he had the right classes. Along the way to the first class though, He bumped into someone making him drop his schedule. Jungkook apologized and looked up to see who he ran into "TAEHYUNG!!" He yelled, not caring who would hear. He jumped on him and the two boys hugged on the ground, acting like they haven't seen each other in years

"Jungkook!" Taehyung said back while hugging the boy. The 2 were so happy to see each other, knowing that they were going to be in the same building. The boys stood up eventually "Let me see your schedule" Taehyung said and Jungkook handed him his. They looked over their schedules and it turns out that they had every class together!

"I'm so happy that we got put together. I looked at audition dates and I was trying to think like you so we could try out on the same date" Jungkook smiled.

Taehyung nodded "Dude I did too. I thought we were gonna get separated" Taehyung said in relief. "My roommate is pretty chill. He's a really good cook and likes a lot of pink"

Jungkook signed "mine hasn't showed up yet. I was just going to check out my classes but I guess I have time to visit your dorm. I wanna meet your roommate"

"Follow me!" Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's wrists and he began to speed walk to his dorm, hoping that his roommate was still there.

Along the way, Jungkook realized that him and Taehyung's dorm weren't far apart, 3 rooms down to be exact. Taehyung opened the door to see Jin on his bed reading. He looked up from his book and smiled "Hey Taehyung. Who's your little friend you got there? He looks so young!"

Jungkook blushed "I'm Jeon Jungkook" he shook hands with Jin "I'm 20 years old"

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