Gay? - Chapter 4

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"I've had the nickname for a while, My friends never call me it though. It's more of my family that will call me Kookie, Jungkookie, stuff like that" Jungkook said "Does little baby Jimin want me to help him shower?" Jungkook cooed at Jimin

Jimin pouted and crossed his arms "I'm not a baby! I'm a grown man" Jimin flexed his arm muscle, the muscle was there, it was just little. Jungkook laughed and flexed his arm muscles too next to Jimin's "Oh screw you" Jimin playfully pushed him onto his bed while smiling.

Jungkook stood up and ruffled Jimin's soft, blonde hair "Alright you may go take your shower now prince Jimin" Jungkook bowed. Jimin bit his lip in nervousness, he didn't move from his spot "Is something wrong?"

Jimin stepped closer to Jungkook "I want you to shower with me, Jungkookie" Jimin whispered. He was embarrassed because he didn't know what Jungkook's reaction would be.

Instead of being disgusted, Jungkook actually accepted his offer "Sure, I mean it's not weird right? We have the same body parts anyways. Girls compare their boob sizes all the time. Trust me, I'd know. Taehyung has a sister and every time I'd come over to his house, we could hear them comparing their boobs"

Jimin laughed "Enough about boobs, lets get in the shower" Jungkook was confused about why he didn't wanna talk about them since, well, he's a boy and boys will normally talk about girls boobs but he didnt question nor was it important. Jimin grabbed Jungkook's wrists and dragged him into the bathroom. They stripped down to till they were naked and Jungkook turned the water on. Jimin was covering his body, well as much as he could with his hands. He was insecure about his small body.

Jungkook turned around to see Jimin covering himself as much as possible. He chuckled and yanked Jimin's hands off only to grab the smaller boys waist and pull him towards Jungkook himself. Jimin looked Jungkook up and down, his toned muscles popped out. Jimin looked down at his feet due to embarrassment "You are so beautiful Jimin. Please don't cover yourself" Jungkook said and lifted Jimin's chin up so they made eye contact

This was when Jungkook knew.......He was gay

Jimin made a little smile with his lips "Thank you Jungkookie" He said. The boys members were almost touching but Jungkook was aware so he was making sure not to pull Jimin's hips too close to him. Once the water was warm enough for them to get in, Jungkook helped Jimin get in first. The warm water hit Jimin's pale skin which felt very good on him. Jungkook then got in and the boys couldn't be happier that they are starting to get closer as friends.

They finished their shower and got dressed into comfortable clothing to wear to bed. "Can I talk to you?" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded in response. He got up and sat next to Jungkook on his bed "So....I'm just curious about what happened tonight at the restaurant and if you don't want to talk about it, stop me whenever you'd like but......" Jungkook put Jimin's hands in his because of the way Jimin was biting his lip. He was for sure nervous "do you have an eating disorder?"

Jimin hesitated to answer Jungkook's question, but he eventually answered: "No" Jimin pulled his hands away

Jungkook nodded and let out a semi loud breath "Are you sure—"

"I'm fine" Jimin snapped and Jungkook instantly shut himself up "I'm okay. You don't have to pretend to worry about me alright?"

Before Jimin was about to stand up and go back to his bed, Jungkook grabbed his wrists "Jimin" Jungkook said softly but loud enough for Jimin to hear "I do worry about you. Taehyung worries about you and even Jin worries about you. We aren't pretending to care about you, you can trust me"

Jimin stood there in silence before eventually yanking his wrists and laying down in his bed "Lets go to bed, we have a full schedule of dance classes tomorrow so we should get plenty of rest" Jimin said and turned off the light

Jungkook sighed "Sorry for asking about your health"

Jimin sat up and cocked his head to the side "It's my fault"

"What's your fault—"

"Everything!!" Jimin yelled and Jungkook sat in shock. "I'm so sorry i ruined your first day here, I'm sorry I don't eat enough in a day because I'm scared to gain weight, I'm sorry for being so insecure. I'm sorry for everything Jungkook"

Jungkook knew that was Jimin's breaking point. Jimin finally let out what was on his chest and Jungkook was happy about that. "Get some rest Jiminie...Everything is going to be okay. Don't stress, Your alright" Jungkook said

Jimin layed back down and the boys fell fast asleep in their beds. Jungkook felt like he screwed up by asking Jimin about his health...He learned his lesson though, stay out of peoples business "Jungkook?" Jimin said and  Jungkook hummed in response "Your very dad material—"

Just then, the normal slammed open and both boys shot up. It was Taehyung, He was shirtless and he instantly jumped on Jungkook's bed, cuddling himself on his best friend. Jungkook laughed "Taehyung!! What is wrong buddy?" Jungkook asked

Taehyung looked at Jungkook "Something's in the closest in my room!" Taehyung whisperer screamed "Can you please check it out? Please Jungkook?!" Taehyung said panicking

Jungkook rolled his eyes smiling and got up from his bed with Taehyung following him like a lost puppy. He entered their room and noticed all the lights were on "Where's Jin?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung shrugged. He opened the door to Taehyung's room and saw nothing "This is stupid Tae, See? Nothings in here" Taehyung pointed at the closest, Jungkook opened the closest and as soon as he did, Jin jumped out of it and yelled "BOO BITCH IM GAY!"

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