First sight - Chapter 2

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"Aish your so cute! You look just like a bunny" Jin said and patted Jungkook on the shoulder "You can hang out here as much as you'd like to. I'm SeokJin, 25 years old"

Jungkook cocked his head to the side while looking at his feet "I'd love to! But I'm awaiting for my roommate to come soon. I just thought I meet who my best friend is going to be sharing a room with"

"Don't worry about that Jungkook" Taehyung spoke "He's definitely motherly material. He can help you, or I guess us with any problems we have, trust me."

Jin nodded "I have a hobby of doing that. I guess I was raised well" Jin did a fake hair flip, making the younger boys laugh "It was nice meeting you Jungkook. I hope to see you more often"

"Ah yes, See ya later guys! My room isn't far from you guys so I'll for sure visit a lot." Jungkook waved goodbye and left the room. He walked down to his room and went to open the door, thinking he left it unlocked. Just Jungkook's luck, he didn't....He left the key inside the room. "Such a pabo" Jungkook smacked his forehead "God I hope my roommate comes fast. How am I suppose to get in??" Jungkook leaned his back against the door and went on his phone to kill some time.

A couple minutes later, someone tapped him on the shoulder. He shot his head up from his phone and about choked on his spit. Standing in front of him was a very gorgeous man that was maybe 1 or 2 inches shorter than him which was cute to Jungkook. They both stared into each other's eyes until the man finally spoke up "Hello, Are you my roommate?"

Jungkook stayed silent for a minute, still processing and checking out the boy's looks "Um....Y-yes" Jungkook mentally cursed at himself for stuttering. He coughed and then spoke again "Yes hello my name is J-Jeon Jungkook"

The boy smiled "No need to be nervous. I'm a very friendly person. At least that's what my friends tell me. I'm Jimin, Park Jimin. Can I take a look at our room?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded, moving himself away from the door "How come your not inside?" Jimin said as he unlocked the door

"Oh, aish I uh.....locked myself out" Jungkook admitted. He was a bit embarrassed actually.

Jimin chuckled and gave under Jungkook's chin a quick stroke "Happens all the time my dear, Dont be embarrassed" Jimin said and went inside the room along with Jungkook tagging behind him "Oh wow, and I thought this place couldn't get any fancier" Jimin put his luggage on the empty bed next to where Jungkook obviously put his stuff cuz of the somewhat mess

Jungkook laughed awkwardly "Yeah I thought the same thing when I arrived here. I have a really close friend name Taehyung here and so he might be visiting or I'll be visiting him a lot if that's okay with you of course"

Jimin made eye contact with Jungkook after putting his stuff down "That's fine with me, He's not gonna bully me for being short is he?" Jimin asked

Jungkook shook his head "Of course not! Here I'll have you meet him right now" Jungkook opened the door for Jimin and him to walk out "Where ya from?"

"Seoul, I moved to Busan because I have more family here and when I graduated my mother claimed that I'll have a better chance of—" All of a sudden, Jungkook tripped over his own feet, making fall to the ground. And since Jimin was in front of him, it made him fall too. The boys ended up in postition where Jungkook was hovering above Jimin with their faces inches apart since Jimin landed on his back. They both stayed in that position until Jungkook's arms felt like they were gonna give out. Although they were nervous someone was gonna walk out of their room and seeing them laying like that in the middle of the hallway, Jungkook loved admiring the boys features.

Taehyung walked out of his room laughing along with Jin. They stopped once they saw Jimin and Jungkook "Woah" Taehyung said and Jung instantly got off Jimin "Are you this friendly to new people Jungkook?" Taehyung joker and Jungkook pouted, embarrassed that Taehyung saw that "I was just going to ask if you wanted to get some dinner with me and Jin, he likes to cook but he hasn't unpacked all his kitchen stuff"

Jungkook helped Jimin up "Sure. This is Jimin by the way, I was going to introduce you to him but I fell which made him fall too and that's why we were in that position" Jungkook said "Jimin, Are you up to dinner with these guys?"

Jimin nodded "Why not" Jimin shrugged "I don't have anything else better to do" He laughed

"Great! I'll pay" Jin spoke and the boys went downstairs to the lobby to go to the fancy restaurant that was down there.

All 4 boys thought that they were dressed inappropriately for this place because of how fancy it is. But they didn't wanna change so they got a table and waited for the waitress to surve them "Are you guys excited to be in college?" Taehyung spoke up

Jungkook shrugged, along with Jimin "I mean it's nice I get to be away from my over protective mother" Jungkook joked

The boys laughed too, well, except Jimin. He awkwardly laughed and said "Hey you should appreciate your mother. I mean she was the one who went through all the pain to have you"

Taehyung rolled his eyes "Here's the thing, I don't care. It was her decision to have a kid. 2 of them"

Jimin huffed our and looked down at his feet. Jungkook noticed and put his hand on Jimin's shoulder "You Alright?"

He nodded "I think...."

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