Early - Chapter 5

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Jungkook jumped and fell into Taehyung's arms since he was behind Jungkook the whole time "Gotcha!!" Taehyung said laughing. Jin was also laughing very loud. Jungkook didn't think it was funny since he was the one who got pranked, but after hearing Jin's laugh, he bursted out laughing too "Oh my god we got you good" Taehyung and Jin high fived.

After the boys were done laughing, Jungkook collected some air to speak "Yeah yeah whatever! I'll get you back Kim Taehyung" Jungkook got up in Taehyung's face playfully "Me and Jimin were about to go to bed so I'll see ya in the morning guys alright?"

Taehyung pouted "Aww I want you to stay here though." Taehyung side hugged Jungkook

Jungkook smiled "I'm sorry, I have to make sure Jimin is okay. He's um......" Jungkook started to whisper "I think he has a stress disorder or something because he gets stressed very easily"

Taehyung nodded "Oh. Then you go make sure he ain't doing anything depressing buddy" He smiled "Goodnight Jungkook"

Jungkook left without saying anything because he processed what Taehyung said. He left Jimin alone, what's the worst he could do when he's alone...? Jungkook opened the door quietly because he didn't hear any noises. He saw Jimin fast asleep on his bed. Jungkook took a few minutes to admire the boy sleeping "He's adorable when he's sleeping and when he's awake" Jungkook thought. He went to lock the door, and then climbed into his bed, fallling asleep peacefully.

*Morning time later*

Jungkook woke up to the sound of the alarm clock that's on the night stand in between him and Jimin's bed. The staff had the alarms already set for them because they knew the students wouldn't set them...The alarm was set for 5:30am, and Jungkook hit snooze instantly because he didn't want to get up that early. Meanwhile, Jin and Taehyung were getting ready in their dorm. They took turns taking showers and getting dressed for the day. Taehyung has only 4 classes he needs to go to but Jin has 6 because he's focusing on working on vocals more than dancing.

The alarm went off 5 minutes later, Jungkook turned over to see what time it was, 5:45am it read. Jungkook rolled his eyes because he thought it was crazy they had to wake up that early for only just 4 classes. Jungkook didn't even turn it off, he rolled over fell back to asleep. A couple minutes later, he heard it turn off, not thinking Jimin would've turned it off. >>Maybe it does that when you leave it alone<<  Jungkook thought and went back to sleep

Jimin yawned and got out of his bed. He looked at the peacful sleeping bunny in his bed. He decided to let him sleep since he knew if they got ready at the same time, it'd be madness. So Jimin got dressed into a black sweater with ripped denim jeans. He fixed his hair and warmed a little bit before waking up Jungkook.

He thought since he is a bit smaller than Jungkook, he'd jump on him since he's not that heavy (only weighing 130 pounds) Jungkook was sleeping on his back so Jimin clung onto him like a koala on top of him. "Wake up Kooks" Jimin said. Jungkook opened his eyes to see Jimin on top of him "Well your easy to awake" Jimin and Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin got off of him and grabbed his things for classes "Why do we have to wake up this freaking early??" Jungkook complained and put a pillow over his face

"Because college likes to torture people" Jimin threw one of his pillows at him "If I get you Starbucks, will you wake up?"

Jungkook shot up "Yes" he smiled "Pumpkin spice latte" Jungkook layed back down.

"By the time I get back you better have gotten dressed and pack your things for dance classes or no coffee" Jimin said pointing at Jungkook

Jungkook chuckled "Yes father" He teased. Jimin stuck out of his tounge and left the room. Jungkook decided to do what Jimin told him to do and get dressed. He didn't really need anything for classes or anything. He's only doing dances that are fast pace so it's not like he needs a bag to change shoes. He put on black joggers with a plain white t-shirt, not caring if he looked professional or not.

Meanwhile, Jimin saw that Taehyung and Jin were already there drinking their coffee. He walked up to them and instantly put a smile on their faces "Chimmy!!" Jin said, that's his nickname for Jimin "Oh it's so great to know your okay"

Taehyung spoke up too "You should sit down with us and have some coffee"

Jimin shrugged "Sorry guys but I told Jungkook I'd get him some coffee this morning because he is not a morning person" 

Jin and Taehyung gave him a durp face "Such a cute couple!" They said at the same time, now chanting "Jikook! Jikook! Jikook! Jikook!"

Jimin blushed a deep red "He's probably not even gay" Jimin began to talk fast because he started to panic "I mean not saying I'm gay but if he were ask me out I would say he's because he's a good guy yet Its hard to tell if you someone has feelings for you and—"

Taehyung stopped Jimin from talking, He could tell he was getting nervous "Jimin I swear ya gonna have a stroke if you keep talking so fast. Breathe buddy" Taehyung spoke and Jimin took a deep breath in and out "Jungkook is gay, he just doesn't wanna admit it, Trust me. I was the first person he came out to"

Jin decided to ask a pretty risky question to Jimin so he softly asked "Do you....have feelings for Jungkook.....?"

Jimin froze "Do you guys want the truth or...."

"Spill the tea Jimin, you can be 100% honest with us"



- Author M

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