Weeks later - Chapter 17

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As it says in the title, it's been 6 weeks later 👍🏻

-Author M


"Congratulations Park Jimin, it's a girl!" Dr. Lee said, showing him the ultra sound "That's baby's head, there's the arms and legs along with hands, fingers, feet, toes"

A tear fell down Jimin's cheek "She's gonna be so beautiful" Jimin said, Jin wasn't with Jimin because he was at a meeting he had to go to for his new job he wanted to get

"She's almost fully developed, Her facial features should be more equally developed at 8 weeks. Right now your at 6 so she is very healthy" Dr. Lee handed Jimin a piece of paper that had little notes and stuff to help with the baby's growth "This is the stuff you should eat" Dr. Lee pointed at the categories "This is what you can do to prevent mental disorders and this is what you can do to help the baby be happy in the womb"

Jimin nodded and shook hands with the doctor "Thank you" He said and left.

Jimin was too excited to wait for Jin to get back from his meeting. He knew Jin wanted to go shopping with him but Jimin couldn't take it anymore and he drove to the store and decided to get some stuff. He grabbed a cart and shopped in the section where there was toys, baby clothes, diapers and other things you'd need for a baby. Jimin didn't wanna buy too much since he knows kids grow up fast. What threw Jimin off was when he was about to enter a second section of the store that had baby stuff, He saw Jungkook and Taehyung talking, pointing at stuff on of their phones. Jimin quickly went into the section he needed to look in and grabbed some stuff off of there.

"Maybe we could ask that guy up there who has baby supplies in his cart" Jimin heard Taehyung said behind him. They couldn't see his face since they were behind him so Jimin was panicking. He was smart enough to have a face mask in his pocket so he put it on and put his hood up on his sweatshirt "Excuse me sir" Taehyung tapped his shoulder and Jimin slowly turned around "Do you know where we can buy jewelry at?"

Jimin thought >>Why would they need jewelry? Has Jungkook moved on already and found another person to use or is the jewelry for Taehyung?<< Jimin snapped back to reality quickly and pointed at the section that said jewelry "Right over there..." Jimin said in a lower tone so that the boys wouldn't recognize his voice

"I told you!" Taehyung slapped Jungkook's stomach "Thank you" He said and the 2 walked over to the section Jimin pointed.

Jimin put his hood down in relief and his mask. He went up to the cashier, paid for his stuff, and drove to the apartment. Jimin looked at his stomach "I pray to god I'll find someone new by the time I give birth to you so you can have an appa"


"You went to the store without me??" Jin yelled, Jimin knew he was pretending to be mad so he just laughed "Aww what you got is so cute! You should've gotten more pink but ya know" Jimin shrugged and poured a glass of wine but Jin snatched it from it instantly "No alcoholic beverages while the baby is still a fetus" Jin said and took a sip of the wine

Jimin pouted "It's not fair!"

Jin gave him a derp "Everything you drink, the baby drinks, everything you eat, the baby eats" Jin took another sip "I feel so bad for you this wine is really good"

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Jin put the glass down. Jimin wanted to secretly take a little sip but he didn't in case of the baby. He got all excited and fixed himself up. Jin opened the door and there standing was a good looking man, wearing a muscle shirt with workout cargo pants "Hey" He said with a raspy voice

Jin chuckled flirtatiously "Hi.." The man kept looking over at Jimin, resisting the wine "Oh! That's my friend I live with"

He did a little nod "Ready?"

Jin smiled in return "Bye Jimin!"

Jimin panicked and quickly spoke before the door shut "Wait where are you going???" But it was too late. The door had shut and Jimin was now alone. Well, except for the baby inside him. He put the glass of wine in the fridge and sat down on the couch, later receiving a text from Jin saying he was going to the gym with his personal trainer. "Great he's going to be gone for hours and I'm gonna be stuck here home alone—" The door bell rung again, Jimin was scared to answer it since his mother and Jin always tell him to be sure who is at the door.

Jimin looked through the little eye hole on the door, It was a woman that Jimin didn't know. He knows he is a bit stronger than the woman so if she tried to hurt him, he can easily take her down. But the woman looked like a nurse so he was pretty scared if she had a needle or not. He opened the door anyways and smiled friendly "Hello!" She spoke "Um, Your the patient that's pregnant so I thought I'd tell you about a program we have near our hospital that's all about male pregnancy and hormone changes"

Jimin froze, he didn't really know if it was important or not. Yet, he took health in high school so he should already know what would happen to his body "No thank you" he said and shut the door "Thank the lord" Jimin breathed out


Next chapter might get a little offensive so if you get offended easily....I'll put a warning when it's about to get offensive 👌🏻

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