Horrible Illness

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~Horrible Illness~

Katsuki was about three when his illness became extreme. He was playing with his race cars when he began to cough violently. His father ran up to him patting his back, asking if he was alright. Blood escaped his lips and he continued to cough. His father called out for Katsuki's mother. They both urgently rushed to the car and raced to the hospital. That's how they found out about his illness. They called it 'Iraxhu Kikani' and it did not have cure.

At age 4 he went to school for the first time. He had fun and he had fit in with all of them, but he took a particular liking to a small boy named Izuku. They became best friends. The first time Izuku saw 'Kacchan' throw up blood, he freaked out and tried to get him to stop. Izuku ended up getting Katsuki's blood all over his hands. Izuku was crying and Katsuki was trying to comfort his while he was choking on his blood. That was something to they both wanted to forget...

At age 7 his illness got so bad that he had to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks. Katsuki was confused. Him coughing like this was normal to him. Him throwing up was normal for him. At this age his parents decided he was old enough to know about his illness. They sat him down and told him "Katsuki... we know this will be hard to comprehend, but we need you to understand." Katsuki nodded, holding his stuffed animal. "You were born with something extremely bad. A disease. That's why you get extremely sick sometimes." Katsuki's eyes widened at the word 'disease'. "You're different from other kids and... you might... you might not live as long as them either..." Katsuki looked at his legs with tears flowing down his cheeks and he looked back up again. "What about Izuku?! a-and you guys?! Won't you miss me!? Can't you stop it from hurting me??" He asked. His family have him a hug and they all cried together...

The next time Katsuki went to school, he avoided Izuku like his life depended on it. Izuku was kind of hurt by this, but he assumed it was nothing, that Katsuki would talk to him tomorrow. But he didn't. Not even the day after that. Not for a week or even a month. When Katsuki did start talking to Izuku again it wasn't anything nice. But even though Katsuki insulted Izuku, Izuku didn't mind, he was just glad that his friend was talking to him again. Katsuki didn't like his new 'tough' exterior. But he couldn't drop his new personality or more people would want to be his friend. So that's how he stayed. A permanent scowl on his face and a nasty personality...

At age 16 he didn't have any friends. That's how he wants it to be for the rest of his life, and that's not saying a lot...

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