Chapter Four

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(Skip to After 1 month and a half)

~{(Katsuki's POV)}~

I was done with this. I was finally out of the hospital. I could go to school again, but I'd still die in one and a half months. The thought of doing didn't scare me, the thought of everyone that'd miss me, that's what scares me. My mom and Deku. That's it. That's not that much, but what if my death cause them so much sadness that they would end up dying themselves.

I shook if the feeling. I have to tell Deku about it. Soon... Soon...

(At school the day after)

Right when I got to school Izuku ran into my body. He was shaking. Sobbing into my shirt. I patted his head.

"Come on, nerd, you're getting my shirt we-" He interrupted me.

"What the hell happened to you?!" He cursed. I was taken aback by what he said. He never curses. "Where have you been!?" He asked again. I smiled solemnly at him. If only I was brave enough to tell him.

"I'll tell you later ok? Later..." I tell him. He nods and wiped his eyes. He was so cute. I'll confess my love to him when I tell him I'm dying, that way if he rejects me, well, I'll be dying anyways. But what if he likes me back? No... it's highly unlikely. No way he would... I hope so, anyways. If he's not in love with me, then my death would probably be less hard on him.

Now what I should really think about is my answer. I'm not ready to tell him about the disease, so I'll lie, like I always do...

~{(Izuku's POV)}~

He avoided answering the question on purpose, I could tell. I sighed and walked with him to class. I want to ask him on a date, but how can I if he's gone to the hospital. Once seated, the teacher entered and gave everyone an assignment to work on with a partner.

"Hey, do you wanna be my partner~?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. I turned and saw Ochako with the tip of her index finger on her lips. I blushed immediately.

"N-no t-thanks, I already have someone in mind." I tell her before walking over to Kacchan. He seemed lonely by the window he was just looking out of. He turned to look at me when he saw my reflection.

"What's up, Nerd?" He asked me and I laughed. I sat down in the seat next to him.

"Let's be partner's." I say happily with a smile on my face. I blush slightly at the word 'partners'. He hummed as an agreement and looked back out the window. I slowly turned my gaze to where he was looking. The old cherry tree that just blossomed with it's petals soundlessly gliding to the ground outside.

"They're really pretty, huh?" I stated the obvious. He doesn't answer. His eyes followed every petal to the ground. Was he ignoring me, or was he thinking? Oh, Katsuki Bakugou, what I would give to know what you were thinking...

~{(Katsuki's POV)}~

I watched each and every petal fall to the earth. The cherry blossoms were absolutely beautiful, glistening in the sunlight. I figured, if death would be like that, being a beauty and then falling to your never ending doom, then life isn't really worth living. I would've rathered that I just was never born. Well, that's not entirely true, I got to meet Izuku. I was given the chance to fall in love, and that was enough. But... now I'm dying... I wonder, how's the afterlife? Is it truly like they say? That it's either full of clouds and sunshine, or full with flames and dark red spikes. Or is it just darkness? Just non-existence? Maybe I'd be a ghost. Haunting people for no reason... All I knew was that those cherry blossoms were dying for the cherry's that'll grow later in spring, but I'm going to be dying for nothing... and there's nothing I can do about it...

Falling Petals Of A Cherry Tree (KatsuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now