Chapter One

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(Present Time)

~{(Katsuki's POV)}~

I was woken in the middle of the night by not being able to breath. It was blood. Way more than usual. I coughed, trying to call out to my mother. My stomach ached from the consistent pain it was feeling. My mother ran into the room and freaked out at seeing me clutching my stomach while trying to stop the blood with my hand. She rushed to me and pulled me up to my feet. She helped me to the car and drove me to the E.R.

Upon getting there, the blood had stopped just enough so that I could breath. I coughed at times causing the blood to splash out. I leaned on the wall, trying my best to not get my blood on anything.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at that man! His mouth is bleeding!!" A little boy said while pointing at me. His mother gasped and pulled her son away from me, scolding him for pointing. My mother got me a trash can to avoid getting blood on the floor. I decided to look at my surroundings, but, boy oh boy, that was a bad idea. Everyone was staring at me. My eyes went straight to wide emerald ones. It was Izuku. I couldn't worry about that right now, I covered my mouth again. I felt an arm pull me and I looked to my mom, she was beckoning me to the back room, but before I could even take a step, I collapsed...

~{(Izuku's POV)}~

I was visiting my grandma in the hospital. That's why I was there. I didn't like to see my grandma in that condition, so I waited in the waiting room while my mom talked to her.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at that man! His mouth is bleeding!" I overheard a little boy say to his mother. I looked to where he was pointing and I was surprised to see Kacchan leaning on the wall with blood all over him. My eyes widened and then he looked my way with blood dripping down his chin. My mind immediately went to 'He was attacked', but of course there are other things that could've happened... Car wreck... Street fight... Internal bleeding...? It sounded almost impossible that Kacchan would have anything to do with those things, but it was highly possible...

We made eye contact and I watched as his eyes widened. His mother pulled on his arm, trying to get him to the room he was assigned. He looked her way and just as he was going to take a step forward, I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed.

~{(Katsuki's POV)}~

"...due to blood loss... could also have... caused by dehydration..." The words were foggy but I heard them. Is that why I passed out? My lungs hurt and my body felt shaky. I heard a loud bang, possibly a door being slammed open.

"Is he ok!?" I heard a worried voice asked urgently. That voice only matched one voice I've heard... Deku... I tried to sit up, but ended up hurting my neck.

"Ow..." I mumbled to myself. I could feel a lot of eyes on me. Suddenly, there was a presence beside me so I looked up.

"Oh, Katsuki! You're ok! My baby!" My mother practically screamed. She embraced me and I almost started choking again. Almost. I felt someone to my other side. I opened my eyes again after my mom let me go. She was crying.

Now it was Deku's turn to grab me. He didn't hug me, but he grabbed my arm with tears in his eyes.

"W-what happened to h-him?" He asked. I looked away, to my mother. I shook my head, telling her not to tell him about my disease.

"He... was... umm...attacked... by a huge... wolf?" My mother said bluntly, it was painfully obvious that she was lying. But Izuku, being the oblivious person he is, did not catch on to the bluff.

"Oh, I was worried it was a villian..." He said, relived. I choked up a little, but I nodded.

"You should go back to your family Izuku, it's pretty late." My mother told him. He nodded and walked out. He turned around and smiled his obnoxiously bright smile.

"Get better soon, Kacchan!" I felt sadness flow through my body as I shuddered, but I smiled a small smile and nodded. Once he left I felt tears flow down my cheeks.

"Wait, what's wrong?" My mom asked. I hugged her without even looking at her. I began to sob like a child, something he hasn't done in years.

"I-i-i-i want t-to g-get better, m-mom!" I cried. I felt her hug me back and begin to cry back into me.

"I know... give it time. You'll get better, give it time..." She said softly. I loosened my grip and continued to sob into her.

"When...?" Was all I managed to blurt out with a sad voice with a hint of anger...

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