1. Face down.

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** Every so often I will suggest a song to listen to with the chapter... may not be relevant all the time but most will be!**

Face down - The red jumpsuit apparatus

Clarke Griffin checked the address scribbled on the back of an old envelope for the fifth time. Taking a deep breath, she checked her appearance in the rear view mirror. The dark outline of another bruise was beginning to form on her left cheekbone so Clarke pulled out her make up bag and dabbed on a touch of concealer to cover it up. Once she was satisfied with her reflection, Clarke grabbed her purse and opened the car door.

Stepping out the car, she took a moment to look around the neighbourhood. It seemed quiet and pleasant. Children were playing on bikes and kicking soccer balls around. Every yard seemed to be in pristine condition. People waved and smiled as they passed their neighbours. It felt too good to be true.

She looked down at the advertisement for the room for rent one last time and began up the driveway. Once she reached the front door, that was painted pure white, Clarke took another deep breath and knocked.

Within seconds the door swung open and a young girl around Clarke's age appeared.

"Hello." The girl smiled. She had long dark brown hair, brown eyes and a bright smile. Her skin was tanned and Clarke thought she was absolutely stunning.

"Hi. My name is Clarke, I called yesterday about the room for rent?" Clarke said nervously, holding up the ad.

"Oh Yes, of course! Come on in Clarke." The girl smiled.

Clarke stepped into the house and looked around the entrance hall. The floor was a dark wood and the walls were a light blue colour. Photo's covered the walls and a chandelier hung from the ceiling.

"I'm Octavia, come through to the kitchen and I'll get us some drinks before we start." Octavia smiled. "Anything in particular?"

"Water is fine, thank you." Clarke smiled. She already liked this girl.

Clarke followed Octavia into the large kitchen. It was a modern style kitchen with an island counter in the centre. To the left was a stove and cabinets lining the walls. To the right was a large kitchen table with chairs surrounding it. Straight ahead was a single door leading to the back yard.

She took a seat at the kitchen table as Octavia placed a glass of water in front of her and sat opposite her.

"So, What brings you to Arkadia?" Octavia asked.

"Well, I moved here from Polis, kind of a rough history and I just need a fresh start." Clarke shrugged. She wasn't quite ready to open up completely to this complete stranger.

"Polis? That's quite far! Do you have a job?" Octavia asked.

"No, not yet. But I have some savings that will be enough to cover at least three months rent. That should give me plenty of time to find a job." Clarke said.

"Okay, one last question. How long do you plan on staying here in Arkadia?" Octavia looked up at Clarke.

"I haven't thought about that. As long as possible I guess." Clarke answered. "I don't plan on just upping and leaving again if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried. But we're looking for a long term renter." Octavia informed her.

"We?" Clarke questioned.

"Me and my brother. He owns half the house." Octavia smiled.

"Does he live here too?" Clarke asked.

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