Jack and Les: Chapter 19

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Lele's POV

"Really Hannah, I'm starting to doubt this would work," I said. She looked at me and raised her eyebrow. "What would you do if you were Xander?" She asked me, and I considered it once again. I tried, I really tried to ignore the fact that, knowing Xander, it'll probably work.

Hannah honked at the driver in front of us. We were heading back to the apartment complex. I thought back to the text I had shot Juanpa and prayed he didn't think I was being desperate.

"When are we gonna do it?" I asked Hannah, looking at the road ahead. "Starting tomorrow," she told me, aggressively swerving past the inexperienced drivers surrounding us. "We're going to make you a sexy beast."

I blushed and smiled, knowing that Hannah loved me. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my apps.


I know I had quit classes, but I completely forgot about her! Thinking quickly, my heart beating with panic, I knew I could start teaching again. I needed to contact Shelly and tell her I would be back on track soon.

Jack's POV

"Psst." I opened my eyes. Darkness was the only thing visible, and I turned onto my back. The bed I was sleeping on felt like stone. "Jack-you awake?" Les was my new inmate. The other one had a heart attack in the cafeteria, and he was replaced by an elderly, long haired pothead. He had an English accent, but his voice was so rough you could barely tell.

I had been thrown into the ghastly jail almost a year ago, and I was already missing the life I had. "Yes," I mumbled, knowing that the scraggly bearded face was peering in my direction. His hair was brown, but it was so unclean you would've thought it was red and black together.

"I know how to get out of here, Jack."

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