East Park : Chapter 28

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Lele's POV

After the sexy double date fiasco, I never heard from Xander again. Hannah was right, it's like he vanished and never returned. Any ways, Hannah and I noticed that Xander wasn't the only one who saw the photos because millions of Zuripons fan accounts were reposting what they could.

Same with Twannah.

It was even in the news! The reporter talked about recent drama and me being out in fancy clothes again. I called Juanpa and told him about it after, and Hannah was salty because I didn't see her part on the tv.


My doorbell rang, and I rushed downstairs. I opened the door and immediately blushed. Juanpa was standing there with a single flower in his hand, smiling. He was wearing a black shirt and had a jacket on. When you zipped the jacket up, it looked like a printed tux.

"Oooh, cute," I said and Juanpa grinned. "Do you want to go to the park?" He asked, and I took the flower. "Sure!" I replied and smiled. He came inside and waited for me to get ready. I walked back down the stairs wearing baggy black jeans with millions of pockets, a black tank, and I, along with Juanpa, wore a black jacket over it.

He smiled when I reached the ground and he stood up off the couch. "Nice, let's go," he gestured out the door after opening it for me. "Wait!" I said. "Can Luis come?" He nodded, and I left to retrieve my dog. When I returned, I smiled back at him, and we walked side by side down the hallway.


"Wait, you skipped the park," I said and pointed out the window to the park that was now behind us. "I know," Juanpa said and smirked. He took a turn and continued driving. "There's more than one park in L.A. you know." I gasped. I knew he was driving us to the park in the east, and it was made from romance itself.

Apparently, a married couple built it from the ground up in the 50's, and thankfully they were rich people who actually gave some of their money away to less fortunate. I'd seen pictures of the park, but I had never been, and now that I was going, my heart started racing and excitement poured over me.

He eventually pulled into an empty parking space and I squealed. "I'm hyped!" I said, Juanpa smiled, and Luis barked. Juanpa rushed over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I grinned and nodded at him. I hard the car door shut behind me and felt Juanpa's warm arm around my shoulder, and after getting the dog from the backseat on a leash, we started walking towards the entrance.

A sign hung over the entrance, labeled "Marques Eastside" and we hastily read it before continuing into the park. It was beautiful inside. A fountain was placed in the middle with different colored lights dying the water that sprayed in different directions.

Cushioned benches were everywhere, and because the park was so empty, we spotted only a few couples sitting on them, either talking or snogging each other. I saw red confetti on the concrete ground and smiled. "Aww, Juanpa, this is all too much," I said, and he put his arms around waist.

We smiled at each other; I put my hands on his cheeks, and we kissed, right under the sign.

You're Just A Ghost Now / A Zuripons Story #2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now