The Worry In Her Eyes: Chapter 30

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Juanpa's POV

After I closed my mouth, Lele broke down crying and collapsed. I crouched and caught her, and for a few minutes, Lele and I sat on the kitchen ground, tears shedding over Hannah. When she was pushed, she hit her head on the concrete edge of the fountain in the square.

We didn't know what else happened or how Hannah was at the current time, because Twan was the one who called me, and his voice was shaky and cracked, so I let him hang up. "Lele, I'm sorry, but all we can do is accompany her with our prayers," I said, and Lele cried even harder.

I felt bad for making her mood worsen, but I was clueless on what to do. I'm not a baby, but I was also crying, and crying was the only thing I could do at that point. Yeah, I wanted to help Hannah, but what was I supposed to do? I just hoped that her life support was strong enough. Luis came over and started to lick the tears off of Lele's face.


Later, when we had settled, Lele's eyes got puffy,and she was shaking. "I hate that girl, Aspen," she repeated, over and over. I kept telling her that hate wasn't going to help, but I think she was blocking me out at the time. "Do you want to visit her?" I suggested.

Lele looked at me and I saw the worry in her eyes. "Yeah but I can't go to that hospital, it's too many bad memories..." She said. I nodded and gave her a side
hug. We were sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. "We can facetime her when Twan says she gets better.

She smiled and looked at the tv as Luis jumped up onto the couch to comfort us. "This dog..." I started, but was interrupted when he jumped onto me and starting licking my face. Lele and I both laughed.

She wrapped her arms around me and closed her eyes. I pulled her into laying position next to me, and we fell asleep. I had dreamed of this to happen again. When she was with Xander, I thought of when we held each other on my couch, telling each other about our bad days...

And it was happening again.

sorry this chapter is so short!! they'll see hannah again, she'll get better... or will she?! 😝

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