Fear, Panic

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Contrasting eyes sprung open as a small yet powerful fist collided with the Inkling's cheek. Agent 3 leaped out of bed to search for the attacker only to find his Octoling lover frantically thrashing and whimpering in the sheets. The taller male slightly relaxed as he realized the agent was just having another nightmare. He scratched at his scalp and sighed.

This is the fifth one this week... They seem to be getting worse...

Agent 3 glanced over to the clock on his nightstand and winced.

2 o'clock... Four is not going to be happy about this...

The Inkling softly sighed and walked over to his phone. He then dialed for the yellow-haired agent. It only took three rings before the line was picked up. Agent 3 heard a small yawn before the other Inkling answered.

"... Hellooo?"

"Hey, Xander... Good morning..." Three nervously chuckled, waiting for a response from Agent 4. When he didn't receive one, he continued.
"I-It's Sebastian, Xander.. It's really bad this time... Can you come over?" He heard the other agent's sigh and some shuffling over the phone.

"Yeah, yeah.. Be there in a bit."

"Thanks.. a-and hurry..."

As if on cue, the Octoling agent released a shrill and ink-curdling scream. Agent 3 flinched as a pillow barely missed him and hit the wall next to him. He turned around to see the shorter agent crouched in a defensive position, fear in his toffee-colored eyes.

"P-please, don't come any closer, Three! I-I don't want to hurt you!" The Octoling backed himself up against the opposite wall and wildly searched for his Octo Shot.

"... W-Where is it?! I had it right here!"

The Inkling frowned and slowly held his hands up, cautiously walking towards Agent 8.

"Sebastian... Hey, you just had a nightmare. It's okay. I am not under Tartar's control anymore, remember? You saved me and Inkopolis months ago. You're sa-" Agent 3 hissed in pain as he cradled his cheek from the new wound Sebastian inflicted with his sharp nails.

"Wh-who's Sebastian? That's not my name... I-I don't remember my name!" That realization caused Eight to panic even further as he gradually shrunk into the back corner of the room; he was loudly sobbing and violently shaking.

Just then, Agent 3 heard Xander knocking at his door. He sorrowfully looked down at the Octoling before hurrying to let the other Inkling in. Agent 4 was in plaid pajama pants and a gray tank top; his tired violet eyes examined the taller agent's face.

"Damn, Sebastian really fucked you up this time." He chuckled before frowning and cleared his throat.

"So, where is he?" The green-haired agent simply pointed his thumb towards his shared bedroom with the Octoling. Xander made a beeline towards the room and searched for the short agent. His eyes saddened when he saw the pitiful sight before him.

"Oh, Eight... Look at you."

The Inkling got on his knees in front of Agent 8 and softly placed his hand on his shoulder. Sebastian snapped his head up and locked eyes with the taller agent. His breathing slightly hitched as he pushed himself even further into the corner, if that were possible.

"Hey, hey. It's Xander, Eight. You're okay..."

The smooth and deep voice caused the Octoling to relax a bit, a sign for Four to take the opportunity to slowly wrap him up in an embrace. He gingerly wrapped his arms around Sebastian and pulled him in his lap. Xander began to caress the top of the shorter agent's head as he rocked back and forth.

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