Alone with You: Night One

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Oh, hey, fair warning. There's a bit of nudity here. Don't worry, no smut happens, just a silly little moment with my agents! I hope you enjoy!

"... Are you sure you two will be alright by yourselves this weekend? I can always call Callie and Marie to help you out with Eight."

The taller Inkling looked over the other anxiously. The violet-eyed agent waved the offer off as he scoffed.

"Dude, I don't need help. I totally got this! Besides, Callie and Marie are already busy as is! Let them have a day to themselves for once."

He flashed a fanged smile, his eyes slightly squinting from how wide it was.

"Well.. if you're certain, Xander, then I guess I shouldn't feel quite as worried."

The green-haired agent sighed as his tensed shoulders relaxed.

"Hey, Augustus, you're acting like I'm going to get Sebastian killed! He's totally safe under my care!"

Xander chuckled, his fist softly hitting the other Inkling's arm. Augustus rubbed his arm and grinned at the slightly shorter agent.

"You're right. I don't know why I'm freaking out so much... I guess it's because I haven't really left Eight's side since we've been dating. Now I have to spend two and a half days away from him, unable to be there for him if something goes wrong... It's completely nerve wracking."

He used one of his fangs to nervously chew at his lip.

"Well, that's why you got me! I'll be here to make sure he'll be okay if he ever has another nightmare! You need to relax. Cap'n always warned us of the dangers of not having a clear mind while out on missions. I'm pretty sure Eight wants you back home in one piece!" Xander joked as he patted the other's back.

Three gave a crooked smile before nodding in agreement. He hoisted his ink tank over his shoulder and lazily waved at Agent 4.

"I better get going. Cap'n hates waiting."

"Not before you kiss me goodbye!"

The two Inklings looked over to the other side of the room to find Eight slightly pouting with his arms crossed. Augustus failed to notice the Octoling was sporting simply a towel around his tiny waist, probably due to the fact he's seen the short agent with even less on.

Xander, on the other hand, took full notice of the barely clothed male and profusely blushed at the sight before him. He nervously shifted his weight towards the wall closest to him and hastily looked away.

The green-haired Inkling became aware of his friend's discomfort and turned towards him.

"You alright, Four?"

He lowered his head towards the other Inkling, attempting to get a good look at his fellow agent's face. Xander frantically waved his hand and nodded rigidly.

"Um, y-yeah."

He swallowed hard as he concealed his face.

Augustus' wondering was cut short as he felt slick arms tightly wrap around his neck. Sweet pecks from plush lips decorated his jaw line as the Octoling stood on the tips of his toes to reach even further up the other's face. The Inkling agent laughed as he held the ever so eager Sebastian in place.

"Babe! You're getting my uniform all wet!" He laughed even louder as his boyfriend struggled in the hold.

"I don't care! I'm going to miss you so much! Please, please, please be careful!"

Due to the Octoling's excited kisses and Three's struggle to hold him still, the crisp white towel that was concealing Agent 8 dropped to the floor; much to Xander's horror, Sebastian was now completely bare. However, the two agents didn't seem to notice, for they were too caught up in saying goodbye to one another.

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