Chapter Fifteen

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Racing Hearts

"What have ye been up to?" Ravensight asked when we four crossed paths, my face still red from... The shooting star effect.

"I just got Moon Moon here embarrassed," James said and my face grew hotter. He was giving me a nickname now?! How could he do that! We weren't even together- I think. No one can give me a nickname without my permission! No one! Not even... him.

"What'd ye do?" Ravensight asked and I jumped in as quick as I could.

"You don't need to be scavenging for information, bird," I hissed at him and I saw him tense, pain flickering over his features. When I saw this, I myself felt hurt... why was this? Why did I feel guilty when I told the truth? He can't just be shoving into my life when he isn't around like that. It just isn't appropriate.

"Feisty..." James said with a purr and I punched him in the gut, bolting off as I felt my blood boil.


"Stay away from me!" I cried back at Ravensight. Oh, why did I have to be so stubborn? And how could Dad deal with my crap? Dad... I thought as I ran, tears springing into my eyes. What is he doing now? Are mom and dad okay...? Oh how I miss them so, how I miss the sand and that damn hammock.

I just want to go home.


The sun was near to set, I was done crying and hiding. Looking up and around, I climbed up a tree and scanned the area. Looking for my friends and the garden I saw in my dreams. That was when I heard an all too familiar growl. It was the hellhound from my dream. Ravensight... His name popped into my mind like a balloon. He didn't know how to handle land creatures who were invisible!

Springing into action, I began to run above the labyrinth, searching for my friends and the garden. But as I ran, the growl only got louder, and it multiplied... fear pierced through my soul. There was a pack, more than I thought, and this time, it felt like I was running so slow. Like how dreams always are, you try and try your best trying to escape but you move a centimeter per five minutes. You were stuck and had to face your fears.

Although I was high above, I felt so scared, and I had every reason to be because a twig had grabbed at me and caused me to fall in a dead end. I was so screwed. Spinning around to face the invisible dogs, I sat up and scrambled back. Time was moving so slow... and it felt as if this chapter in my life was the very last. This is it... I thought to myself, tears forming in my eyes as I heard the dogs approach. This is where I would die... and my final words to everyone I loved would be...

"LUNA!" I heard a familiar voice cry and then I felt one hellhound lunge.

"R... Ravensight?" I gasped as I saw him leap down, swinging his arms aimlessly, and surprisingly striking their wished target. How had he gained up on me so quickly? How did he find me...? Why did he save me?

He cares. The thought was shoved into my mind like a wrecking ball. Here he was, fighting off an invisible pack of who knows how many hellhounds, protecting me. Keeping me safe... What... What am I feeling? I pondered as the hellhounds were heard fleeing after a short while of battling.

"Are ye alright...?" Ravensight spoke to me as he assisted me up. His voice soft and tender, the voice of which was filled with worry.

"Y-Yeah..." I stammered out, "thank you, Ravensight," he was badly wounded but was still standing and acting as if he were fine.

"Aye, it t'was nothin'! That be what yer cap'n be here for!" he said in his usual cheery demeanor, but it still sounded odd, and I felt odd too.

"But, we should probably head back to the ship so we can treat your injuries," I cleared my throat, removing my hand from his. When I did this he didn't even react much, we both didn't really utter a word as we walked side by side, still tense and ready to fight if needed. But, everything was calm after that. We returned to the ship safely, a waning gibbous rising above our heads. Everything was fine, and yet, I still felt odd...

Why was my heart still racing?

"Luna, are you alright?" I heard James ask from behind me and I tensed. I spun around with harsh words at the ready.

"What do you want from me, ember boy," I hissed at him as if I were enraged. After my words had hit him I saw a flicker of surprise go through him.

"I..." he started.

"Don't even, you aren't my fucking boyfriend. And I don't need you acting like one or like a bodyguard!" I growled at him.

"What...?" he gasped and I felt guilt creep into my veins. "That... Did the kiss mean nothing to you? Do I mean anything to you?"

"James, you're what, 20? And I'm just 13. You are fire, and I am water. You are light, I am dark. You are the day, I am the night. You are the sun and I am the moon. Do you understand what I am saying? We're too different, it's just wrong to me." I said softly to the hurt ember. Well, this has escalated quickly... I thought to myself as I awaited his answer.

"I... Y-Yeah," he said as he looked away. Did I see a trace of tears in his eyes...? Oh fuck, I screwed up big time. I guess he was sensitive.

"James..." I started, but before I could finish he ran off. Who knew kids' words could be so harsh. I thought for James.

Ugh... Today has been overly stressful, and yet... I thought to myself as I stared at the moon above.

Why was my heart still racing?

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