Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Scraping Bones

"Are... Are ye sure this be a good idea?" Ravensight asked me as we approached the Sun's island.

"Positive, and it's too late to turn back, fallen angel," I replied to him, addressing him with the nickname I gave him recently.

"Alright," Ravensight sighed, staring at the ring on his finger. Long ago, when James joined the crew, I discovered that Ravensight too used to be an ember. But he had rebelled and was expelled instead of executed. Taking a deep breath, I let him, Miketeal, and James put chains on my wrists. We hoisted the anchor over when Aquafina had found a cave and hid it within, covering the entrance with a waterfall.

My heart was racing, this was it. We were going into battle against them, this war will end once and for all. We had to move onto the island while the sun was still down, then make it on shore with the four of us as the sun was rising... Then I'd meet the Suns' faces to face.

"Let's go," I said, taking a deep breath and we began to head off the ship.

"Good luck, Luna! We love you!" I heard my family shout out before I left. Tears sprung into my eyes, this could be the end of any one of us. One lives the story, one tells the story, one just watches the story. We never knew who would tell the story until after the battle...

"Love you too," I whispered, then shouted back at them as we touched the grass. It's been a while since I touched the grass, it now felt odd beneath my shoes. It felt new and different.

"This is idiotic," Miketeal muttered, holding my bicep as they lead me towards the castle to soon be illuminated by the sun itself. "What makes you think this will work?" he hissed in my ear and I glanced at him.

"I don't, I just think it will last long enough for us to be ready," I replied simply. It left him quiet, and I saw the panic in Ravensight's face. What if they knew he wasn't a troop? What if they remember him being expelled? All of these what-ifs will be answered very soon for we were nearing the gates of the castle. I took a deep breath, the guards stepped in front of the gates. Observing us and our every move.

"Name your purpose," one snapped and I kept my head low.

"We're here to deliver the Suns a little present," I heard Miketeal sneer, then shove me towards them. I saw the blade of the sword move up to my throat, the blade rested below my chin and I felt it move up so the guards can look at my face.

"She'd be a fine present for him or his son," a guard purred and I spat in his face. Pervert, I thought and I saw the other guard hold the perverted one back.

"She's fierce, who is she?" the more polite one asked.

"Daughter of the Moons," James said and the two tensed.

"How did you manage to capture her?" they stared at me in awe.

"It 'twas easy, she 'twas wanderin' 'bout when we 'ound 'er," Ravensight replied, trying his best to hide his pirate-like accent. The two guards nodded and stepped aside hesitantly, opening the gates into the castle. It had worked! We- we were in! But this was just the very beginning of the end of this war.

We walked in and I glanced around, everything had such vibrant colors to it. It hurt my eyes just even glancing at it... It was mainly white and neon orange, the castle. But I remained quiet, slightly tired due to my sleep schedule constantly changing.

"WHO GOES THERE?!?!" a booming voice cried, causing me to jump from the sudden sound. When I looked up, I saw a huge throne with a bright, blinding light upon it.

"James Walker, Miketeal Mornorise, and Ravensight Sharik," James said and the light on the throne dulled and shrank until I saw a bright orange haired man.

"Aah... My troops, what brings you here?" he asked softly, then, I was shoved forward and I had fallen to my knees. Looking up, I glared at the sun through the strands of hair.

"My, my... What do we have here? Allow me to introduce myself, I am Helios Phoebus. The Sun and father of Roshan and husband of Surya," he extended his arms and slowly spun around. "And who might you be?"

"You know who I am," I hissed and he blinked.

"Oh? I do? That's right... You're the daughter of my sister, Selene. Your name is Luna, is it not? Now, what the heavens brings you here in my castle, on my land and world," he said, sneering down at me. He's your uncle? No matter, he's still doing evil. "Free her from those dreadul chains!" he waved his hand in the air and James and Miketeal listened.

"I'm here to make things right," I said to him. "To bring peace."

"To bring peace?" he scoffed. "With your little pesky mummy of yours, there is no peace! To bring peace, the night must be dead!"

"You're wrong. To bring peace we must share the world evenly, let the moon rule half the earth for twelve hours, then you may rule that land. You cycle through the night a-"

"NO!!!" he boomed and I was thrown across the room.

"Luna!" Ravensight cried, but I could hardly hear him over the ringing and burning.

"Why do you care for the moon?!" the sun squawked and I tensed.

"Because she's right! We can bring peace if we alternate!" Ravensight snapped back, only to be thrown too. He hurt Ravensight! I thought, and I began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?!" Helios snapped at me and I laughed louder.

"Because!" I cackled.

"You can't steal the moon without consequences!"

Author's Note:

Prepare yourselves for the last three chapters.

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