Chapter Eighteen

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Holding A Thread

Ravensight's P.O.V.

Muffled scream, rushing water, singing coming to an abrupt halt. What had happened? I was on the shore, coughing out water, shaking. My mind still groggy, as if I had just awoken from a dream. Luna... My thought caused me to tense. I sat up and looked around. She wasn't there. Where was the moon? Gone. Without her, Aquafina wouldn't be able to control the waters, making it safe for the ship to sail.

"Luna?" I gasped out as if hoping for a reply. But there was absolutely nothing. Just the sound of waves. Slowly, I stood. Beginning to search for the daughter of the monstrous dragon. She has to be near... My thoughts dripped into worry. What if she had activated her abilities and something awful had happened...? That couldn't have happened, I refuse to believe it.

That's when I heard a cough. Instantly, I ran to the sound and I saw Luna, covered in wounds and blood. Soaked to the bone. She must've taken blow after blow while drowning as she fought against a siren. That is if she did fight the siren.

"Luna!" I cried out, sliding down to her side.

"I-I-I'm- I'm okay, I'm okay" she kept repeating her words, shaking.

"I know ye ain't," I sighed, picking her up gently. At my touch, she winced, and my fingers were already soaked in blood. I had to head back to the ship, but where was it and where were we? Luna was losing blood, and fast.

"I'm okay, I'm okay" she gasped, still repeating her words like a broken record. This was bad, her voice and eyes were growing distant... The moon was dying.

"Stay with me, Luna. Don't give in to the comforting light," I spoke softly and she slowly looked at me. Oh, the look in her eyes brought tears to my eyes... why is this happening to her? Why now? I didn't know, and I didn't want death to consume her, so, I began to run and cry out to the forest, begging for help.


"SOMEONE, ANYONE, PLEASE HELP!!!" I cried at the top of my lungs for the final time, falling to my knees as tears streamed down my face. Luna had lost too much blood for her to live any longer... I failed to protect her from all harm, and now, peace will never become. It was all my fault. All my fault. All my fault...

"Ravensight?" I heard a familiar voice say, I lifted my head up and looked around.

"Wh-Wh-Who's there," I stammered, voice cracking. After I spoke, I saw Luna's father, Aquafina, step out of the trees. How did he get here? Why was he here...? Did... Did he not trust me with his daughter? His eyes landed on Luna and I saw him tense.

"Who did this...?" he asked softly in a gentle voice. But I knew that this tone was fake... Beneath it held a voice that was as if everything will freeze over and the stars would fall and burn. The moon would be melting while the sun froze... His voice alone could bring disaster.

"A siren," I replied numbly. Aquafina blinked, shocked. Aquafina knew so many sirens and all were friendly towards him, and one became too friendly... That one was Grimoire, Aqua had fallen in love with him and it still makes no sense. Grimoire was violent, Aqua was harmless. Grim was loud at times. And Aqua was quiet at times. It was like an opposite attract.

"Give her to me..." he said softly, reaching out to me. Slowly, I placed Luna in his arms, but, something seemed off. But I couldn't place my finger on it... Either way, Aqua was here and Luna was dying. He could save her, and that's just what he planned.

Following him, we headed over to a glowing pond, gently, he placed her in the water and began his work. Although I wanted to help desperately, I knew I couldn't do anything to do so, other than watch this slow process.

"Ain't there be any other way for her to heal faster?" I asked, only to get the reply of Aqua's piercing stare.

"In fact, there is..." he said coldly, then it struck me.

That wasn't Aquafina.

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