Chapter Sixteen

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Ravensight's P.O.V

Luna... My voice echoed in my head like a whispering fog. Where was she? Is she okay? She was still shaking even after we got on the ship, her eyes had been glassed over... she just wasn't herself. There was something off with my moon. And I don't like it.

Sitting up in bed, I winced. My ass sure did get beaten up, and not in a loving way. Why does this always happen...? I grumbled. Luna was making me do such insane things, like jumping into a battle against far larger and powerful enemies, fight off a pack of hellhound... for Hell's sake, I was pushing mountains aside for her! It was like I was wrapped around her finger. I guess a feeling like this can make people do things...

"Ravensight," James' voice made me jump like a startled feline.

"Aye!" I cried out, "what're ye doin' in 'ere?! Shouldn't ye be helpin' Luna like I told ye?"

"Yeah, I tried and she snapped at me. She's colder than the moon covered in ice. She's frigid. She's even worse than Sun." James muttered, looking away with puffy eyes.

"Quit sayin' that. Plus, I know that be not the Sun's actual name. And I know there be more than one," I grumbled at him in annoyance. 

"I..." James started but I was out the door by then. I was tired of that ember's voice... He always made Luna uncomfortable and I did not like it one bit. But, I had to let him be aboard, for Luna.

Speaking of her, she was leaning against a railing once more and she was staring off into the sea, the rising sun greeting and complimenting her features. For Poseidon's sake, why was she like this...?

"Aye, are ye alright...?" I asked her as I walked to her.

"I should say the same for you, you saved my life," she spoke softly, looking right into my eyes.

"I be alright! This be what yer captain be here for!" I smiled proudly, puffing out my chest. When I did so, the hair rose on the back on my neck.

"You can be too much, Ravensight," she laughed in her rich and beautiful tone. Oh dear... I thought.

"What?" she asked and I realized I had been staring.

"I... It be nothin'. I just... I never heard ye laugh b-before," heat was rising to my face. "It be new, and I like it," I finished softly, trying to force the blush away.

"Good, 'cause it's the only treasure you can have from me," she joked and butterflies were sent through my stomach.

"C'mon! Let's go explore! I'm sure those mutts know who's boss," she grinned at me as she grabbed hold of my wrist. When I tensed, my eyes met her pools of gold and purple... And I smiled as she led me off the ship and back into that large labyrinth of an island.

Then, we began to laugh as we chased one another through the awakening beauty of the wild garden. Everything was just so perfect with just the two of us. It was as if nothing could harm the either of us, nor it has.

Unfortunately, the moment had left when Luna had suddenly skidded to a stop when I was chasing her, causing me to collide into her body.

"A-Aye! What be the idea?!" I cried out as she stumbled a bit. She said nothing, but, she pointed in a direction. My eyes followed where she was pointing and I saw a cave. There was a soft blue glow coming from it, the blue was a darker shade of... Aquafina's scales.

"Luna...?" I gasped as I looked over at her, and I saw tears forming. The glow was reminding her of her father... Don't cry, I thought worriedly.

"I'm fine," she spoke sternly, "let's go check it out." with that, she dragged me along to explore the glowing cave. This is new... Sort of. I thought to myself as I was dragged along. Luna only did this once, and that was when she wanted to see more of this island. She has hollered at me and mentally dragged me along at her side, but never physically. From my knowledge, she disliked physical contact.

"Could ye be nice enough and let me go?" I asked and she let go of me, causing me to fall. Ouch... I thought as I slammed into the ground, warm blood already dripping from my body.

"You okay?" she asked as I got up.

"It be just a scratch," I replied with a smile.

"Good, don't want to have to walk you back. Maybe even carry," she joked and I chuckled. But that laugh was lost when I caught the view of what was to see with the gift of sight. Millions upon millions of beautiful crystals, all glowing in a hypnotic rhythm of a mute song. But for some odd reason, it felt as if I could hear women singing. It was almost as if I were...

Listening to the sirens.

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