Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Broken Cries

One, two, swing. One, two, swing. Three, four, duck. Three, four, duck. For a long while, this was what I was doing when all of a sudden the temperature dropped and everything had this dark and blue look to it. Everyone stopped and looked around. What happened? The temperature kept dropping suddenly until it was to the point we all could see one another's breathing.

Dad... I looked up at the sun, it was blue. Why was it blue...? It was frozen over by a layer of ice. Dad did that. He froze the sun to make the day listen. This was our chance, and I began to fight. I knocked several surprised soldiers unconscious until the fight continued. It was getting harder and harder to move as the seconds dripped by.

"Luna!" my mother gasped, I turned to look at her.

"Do you have any ideas on what's happening? And where is your f-" she was interrupted by her own scream. I screamed too. We screamed for a blade had gone through her, tears sprang into my eyes once more. But they dissolved as soon as my blood boiled, behind her, was her attacker. Helios himself. He tilted his head back and began to laugh.

I screamed once more and I tackled him, seeing his features flicker from joy to confusion, to horror, then surprise.

"What the-" I punched him in the throat. Hissing. One of the soldiers turned to me, and I screamed, a huge explosion of light emitting from me.

"Listen to me now! Each of us holds a special power, no matter what, you damned bastards and I will always have equal power! Stop the fighting now or worse will come!" I shouted, a blade now in my hands, pointed at Helios' bruising throat. "You know what we are fucking capable of, and if you deny the peace treaty, what will come will be mercy." I hissed into Helios' ear, he shuddered. "We didn't have to be violent, but, you made us. My father sacrificed himself so you would listen and my mother, you stabbed when she asked a question. See how childish you are? The day needs the night..." at my last words, I began to calm down.

"I..." He started.

"Don't speak until my mother gets the aid she needs," I glanced at my mother, she was still alive and breathing. Barely. But thankfully soon after I spoke, medics came in and aided my mother. She would live.

"What makes you think you're better?!" Helios suddenly snapped, bursting into flames. I screamed, scrambling back and extinguishing the flames on me.

"You are cold, dark, quiet, and boring!" he grabbed me and I bit my lip. I heard people moving all around me but I didn't look, I thrashed my arm around, attempting to escape the fire's grasp.

"You harm, slowly kill, and blind others! But together we're beautiful. Like the bonfires at night or fireworks! People come together to see our beauty of us together!" I managed to whimper back.

"Yeah right, they're only attracted to me!" he scoffed.

"The darkness illuminates you, making you more beautiful. The day needs the night to give it more attention and beauty."

"Hmm... No-" just as he was about to make another snobby remark, the ground shook and darkness began to spread over the land. Gasps spread through the warriors and I looked up.

There, above me, was an eclipse.

"The gods are upset!" someone screamed. Gods? But Helios was one. Unless there were gods actually considered as legitimate gods... This thought made my stomach churn, I had an awful feeling about this. My every instinct was telling me to run far away, but I sat and stared like everyone else.

This eclipse beam swirled and slowly went down and touched the earth, something was now here. And I could tell something about it...

It wasn't happy.

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