Chapter Five

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The Ring

"Luna! Wake up...!" I heard Ravensight whisper, poking and prodding at my face. "Mmrrf.... One more hour," I grumbled, my hand gently slapping his face. How was his face where the hammock was supposed to be? I pondered, but that's when it hit me. He never left, I had fallen asleep in his arms from my crying episode. We were both in the same hammock, cuddling. Instantly I sat up, my gray hair a birds nest. "Why didn't you just leave?!" I hissed, heat faintly flowing to my face.

"Well, I didn't want to wake ye... Ye looked so peaceful!" he whispered back, still joyful although I could tell he was tired as well. "Why did you wake me up anyways? It's like, three a.m," I muttered, having no clue what the time was since there were no clocks. "Listen," he said, his voice hardly a whisper. Instantly I went dead silent, my hearing on high alert.

I didn't know how long we sat there like that, quiet, both listening to the ocean hitting against the ship and the creaks and groans of the ship. The moonlight glittering down on us like a natural spotlight. The longer I waited for a sound the more anxious I got until I heard a thump. Instantly, my eyes widened and I looked at Ravensight, we both knew that no crewmate was awake, or else Raven wouldn't have woken me up.

Quietly, I got out of my hammock, careful to not wake the others as Ravensight loudly got out of the hammock, tripping and falling on the ground. Both of us stiffened as he made a loud thunk as he hit the ground. Helping him up, I softly punched his shoulder, letting him know we could not be clutzes at this moment. The captain nodded at me, letting me know he would try his best to be silent.

Weaving through the labyrinth of hammocks and unconscious bodies, we made our way to the main deck. Peaking out from the staircase, there we saw multiple figures on the deck, they all appeared to be looking for something. That's when I had an epiphany. They were here for me. You are being hunted. My mother's words echoed in my head, nudging Ravensight, I made some hand gestures, hoping he knew I was telling him to wake the others.

Luckily, the captain knew what I was asking and he listened, vanishing into the darkness and going back into the labyrinth. Quietly, I crawled out from the stairway and began to move in the shadows, avoiding any moonlight and weak planks that could make any kind of sound. Closer and closer I began to move towards the figures, listening for any kind of conversation.

That's when I spotted something they all had in common. They all wore the same ring, sort of. All were golden but they had a different gem on them. One man had a green diamond on his. The others kept moving too much that when I tried to get a good look of them and the rings, I stepped on a weak floorboard and it made a loud creak. Oh, crud. I thought as they all turned to look at me.

At that moment, I decided to voice my thoughts for I knew, I was screwed.

"Oh shit..."

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