Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The entire castle was filled with people. I just knew it. Some were warriors of the moon who were imprisoned, some rebels, and some who secretly supported the night. But most were from the crew, and all were those who fought for peace and joy, we all were a family bonded by this one thing.

"We're surrounded!" I heard a crewmate cry and I tensed. This was a bad idea, fighting in the dead core of the sun's island. We were indeed surrounded and we were gradually being closed together.

"Push them outside!" Ravensight cried and we all went into action, gradually moving towards the exit, pushing our enemies with us. This was really it, we were all here now. There was absolutely no turning back now, it was time to make peace!

"To the shore!" Grimoire, my mother cried. Of course! I thought. We had water benders on our side, I completely forgot we had abilities! So, fighting with all my might, we, the night, began to push our enemies towards the water. For hours we all had fought until I heard my father cry out.

"Dad!" I looked over at him, he was fine. But worry was over his features. He was struggling to fight of ten day soldiers at a time. So, I ran over to him and leaped up, using my light blast. The soldiers fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he looked up at the sun.

"They won't listen by us just fighting... We need to show them what we're capable of. We need to make them listen to us," he said, eyes never leaving the bright ball.

"What're you..." I started, but he turned to me, tears in his eyes. He knelt down to my height, already beginning to cry as large angelic wings sprouted from his back.

"I'm so sorry, my little dolphin," he caressed my cheek. Tears formed in my eyes.

"I just need to tell you this, I love you so much and I've seen how much you've grown and, and I'm so proud of you Luna. I am proud. I've seen how brave and powerful you are... You are a warrior, and it is okay to cry, my moon... Keep an eye on your mother and brothers for me, will ya..?" he could barely get the last words out due to the tears flowing down his face. I hugged him tightly.

"No! Don't say that! Don't... Don't go! Please, daddy, don't leave me!" I began to sob as he spoke to me, telling me so many things he never told mom. Like how he was a Nazi, how he was a drug addict, how he had even lost all five lives once and then came back with four...

"I'm so sorry, Luna. I love you," he released me and I reached out to him again. "No, Luna. I need to do this... Please don't make it harder than it is," he looked down at me, eyes full of sorrow. Then, his eyes lit up in the smallest way, he took off his shell necklace. Oh god, I wasn't dreaming... He reached over to me and put his necklace on me, then gave me one last hug.

"I love you, Luna."

"I love you too, dad."

And just like that, he was gone. Flying up into the sun. Trying my best not to collapse into tears, I turned and looked all around me. So many dead, so many dying... This was a graveyard, I could see it now. All of this was suicide.

"Luna!" someone leaped over me, decapitating someone else in one simple swipe.

"What are ye doin'?! Where be Aquafina!" Ravensight cried at me, blood staining his clothes and blades. Dad... I thought, tears springing into my eyes.

"He... He's gone," my voice cracked, I saw Ravensight deflate. The Ravensight I knew was now dead. Replaced by a deflated, depressed one.

"He... He be what?"

"He flew into the sun. Now, we need to keep fighting..." I said, grabbing his arm and tugging him.

"Ri... Right..."

My father's voice still rung in my head, and it was so painful...

"I'm so sorry, Luna. I love you."

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