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I go into Matt's bathroom and closed the door behind me and pulled out my phone that I took with me. I decided to open up spotify and played one of my favorite songs at the moment 'Female Energy' by Willow. "I just landed in another atmosphere." I sing softly while I'm taking off my clothes. I make sure the music isn't too loud so I don't wake everyone but I can still hear it and sing along with it. After I finished removing my clothes I tossed them to the side and brought out some towels for my body and hair out of the cabinet sink. I place them on top of the closed toilet lid next to the shower and I turn on the water to when it is SCORCHING so I can finally feel awake. I moved the shower curtains to the side and allowed myself into the tub placing the curtains as they once were behind me.

"What I do is not your problem. Oooh Ahhh." I sing softly as I feel the hot water drops making contact with my skin and running down to my lower back. I start to wash my hair making sure my scalp was free of oils and dandruff yet moisturized at the same time. After I finish washing my hair I put in a leave in conditioner while washing my body. I finally finished my shower and it took about 12 minutes and I move the curtains to the other side allowing myself to walk out of the tub and on to the mat that was on the floor. I grab the towels placed on the toilet and wrap one around my hair to get it out of my face, and the other one around my body drying it off. Then I walk closer to the foggy mirror that I can barely see my reflection in and start to brush my teeth.

"Hey, baby how much longer are you gonna be? I need to take a shower too!!" I hear Matt say muffled because of the door in between us. I opened the door to reveal him, "here you can take your shower now!" I say and I continue detangling my hair and diffusing it to make sure my curls were decent enough to be seen. He steps into the bathroom giving me a bear hug and kissing me on my neck. I smile to the thought of him and continue drying my hair. Matt hops in the shower. "Did you pack yet? We have to leave in 30 minutes." I say to him while I am finishing up the last section of my hair, "Yeah, wow. 4 months." He says and I start to tear up a little knowing that I won't be able to see him for that long. "I know." I say sniffling, "You're going to have so much fun. I'm so happy that RCA actually got you this tour!" I say making sure I wasn't making it all about me. "Yeah, but I'm going to miss you. A shit ton. But we can FaceTime everyday and text a lot." I smile to his words which sounded like music to my ears. "I'm gonna beat your ass at 8ball tho." I say smirking afterwards finishing up the last section of my hair. "I'd like to see you prove it!" He says sarcastically. "When you land I'm gonna text you a game of 8ball and THEN we will see who the true champion is." I say not even realizing the joke I made. Matt bursts out laughing to my joke and then I finally get the reference so I burst out laughing with him.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP HETROS! FUCK I LITERALLY JUST WOKE UP TO YOUR HYENA LAUGHS AND ITS LIKE I JUST GOT FUCKING AIDS! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" I hear loud and clear from Kevin's room which make me and Matt laugh even more. "Well at least he woke everyone up?" Matt says and I finally finish my hair. I walk over to the shower curtain to reveal my hair to Matt. I open the curtains and all I see is Matt staring at me underneath the shower head. "Fuck, you are so beautiful! How the hell did I get so lucky?" He says and leans into me and gives me a kiss on my lips. "Shit, I need to get dressed we have like 23 minutes left." I say and release from our kiss. "I love you." I say and gather my things. "I love you more." Matt says and I close the bathroom door behind me.

I quickly rush into Matt's room before anyone sees me in a towel and shut the door behind me. Luckily Cara brought me a lot of pants that I can wear but all the shirts she gave me I wore out pretty fast and smell like actual shit. So I put on my Calvin Klein bra and panty duo to keep me from not being entirely naked and these nike spandex shorts that were surprisingly comfortable. I still look through my backpack to see what else she gave me and I cannot find a shirt that doesn't smell like shit.

I lay down on the bed frustrated because we only have 15 minutes until we have to leave and I still can't find a fucking shirt. Matt comes in. I start to fucking DROOL over him. His wet dark brown hair all messy and such while his body still glistening from the undried water droplets and he was just standing there in a towel. "Hey do you need a shirt or something?" He says and I AM LITERALLY ON THE VERGE OF HAVING AN ORGASM OH MY FUCKING GO- "Yeah, do you have one I can borrow?" I say biting my lip trying to control myself. "Here you can have my yellow hoodie, it's gonna look cute on you. Everything looks cute on you." He says and his goofy smile appears on his beautiful face and I couldn't help but smile back. He hands me his hoodie and I put it on and I instantly love the way it fits on me. "Is it cool if I keep this for 4 months? To remind me of you?" I stare up with my puppy dog eyes hoping he will say yes. He comes over towards me and kisses me on my forehead, "Anything for my baby." He says and gives me a hug.

He makes me feel so fucking great.. how the hell am I gonna survive being without him?

I look at the time over his shoulder and I see it's 3:30 am and I immediately release from his embrace. "We have to go we're gonna be late." I say sadly. "You're right, I'm gonna finish packing. Can you awake the boys if they aren't up now and force them to leave the house?" Matt says and I giggle. "My favorite thing to do. Got it!" And I leave the room to wake everyone.

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