twenty six.

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Today is the day. Today is Matt's birthday. I wake up very early according to plan and along with everyone else. Jaden and Ian decided to have a sleep over at our house so the plan would be more efficient. I scroll through my phone and decided I should text him a little happy birthday letter.

"Dearest Matt.
Thank you, for everything. For always sticking by my side no matter what. For making me feel safe and happy. And most importantly for loving me, no matter what obstacles we had to get through. You mean the absolute world to me and I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for you. From the moment we had our 'first date' at the hotel watching movies together. I knew that you were going to have me attached. More than usual. Matt, I love you more than anything and I'm so glad to have you in my life. May all of your wishes come true. - Katalina"

Then I found this really beautiful picture of us cuddling and kissing me on my forehead. "Perfect!" I say out loud. I posted them on my Instagram with the birthday message I sent to Matt without the hotel situation involved as the caption. Immediately I got swarmed with comments like"parents" "owo/uwu" and my personal favorite "IF YOU DONT COME AND ADOPT ME RIGHT NOW I SWEAR TO GOD 😤🥰" . Then I start doing my usual morning routine because now, I'm going to be cooking my baby breakfast.

I finished getting ready and I go downstairs to see Jaden and Ian ready for us to go to the house. I do have to give you some context in order to understand what is going to be going on. So Ian and Jaden are going to wake up the guys except for Matt and they are going to go to Waffle House for breakfast and to tell them the plan. I am going to go to the bh house and cook Matt breakfast and then we are going to spend the entire day together at the places we both know best while the boys and Cara are going to set up the party at the bh house.

Ian and Jaden greet me and we hop in my car and make our way to the bh house. When we finally arrived I turn the car off and everyone steps outside it and I lock it. Then I walk to the doorway and Ian puts in his key and opens the door. They let me inside and I walk straight to Matt's room and see him peacefully sleeping. I like it when he sleeps because he is so beautiful yet so unaware of it. Haha funny. I close the door all the way shut and help Jaden wake up the rest of the boys and told them to meet in Ian's room. When we finally finished awaking the rest of the boys. Jaden and I nod at each other and he walks to Ian's room while I work on breakfast for Matt.

I decided to whip up my mom's strawberry crepes along with some eggs, bacon and some café cubano con leche (Cuban coffee with milk). While I was cooking everything, the boys came to the kitchen. Luckily nothing was done yet so they couldn't take any of my food, but they gathered around to talk to me and discuss the plan. "So, let me get this straight? We are going to go out to Waffle House and discuss party planning ideas while you and Matt spend the day together?" Jobs asks and I nod. "But I'm going to text you 'gogo' when the bh house is clear and you can start setting up for the party. Also it's cool if I invite Garson and Claudio right? They are one of my best friends and I really want them to help celebrate Matt. Also me and Garson may have started a fan account about Matt in the bh early days so I really want him to meet him." "Yes of course you can." Ian says and I smile and go back to cooking. "Okay we have to go, but good luck." Jaden says and smiles at me. I smile back and say "thanks you too.". And they left.

I finally finished cooking and I set the table with the food and coffee. Then I look over at the clock to see its 9:30 and we are perfectly on schedule. I go to Matt's room and wake Matt with a bunch of kisses. "Happy birthday baby." I say to him and he smiles. "Thanks Kat." He says to me and I smile even brighter. He kisses me on the forehead. "I made you breakfast." I say and he smiles even bright and shoots straight up. "Ooh is there Cuban Coffee?" He asks and I smile and nod. "Let's go!" He says and he gets out of bed and takes me hand and leads me to the dining room. "Hey, where are the rest of the boys?" He asks and I start to panic. "They went to Waffle House. They wanted us to be alone together." I say hoping that would make sense. "Oh, how nice of them." He says and we sit down and enjoy our breakfast.

"These crepes are fucking delicious." He says eating the strawberry crepes and I smile. "Awe thank you. It's my moms recipe." I say and he smiles. "When am I going to meet your mom?" He asks taking another bite of the crepe. "Very soon hopefully." I say smirking because he has no idea what's coming. "Do you want to meet my mom?" I ask him hoping he will say yes. And he did.

"I have something I want to show you when you're done." I say and he immediately looks at me in awe. "What is it?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Surprise." I say smiling afterwards. "Okay just let me look decent ish." He says and finishes the last crepe. "You always look amazing Matt." I say cleaning the dishes on the table. He smiles "okay I'm going to get ready now. Let me know if you need anything." He says and I nod. While he was changing I found his skateboard and put it in my car. Then I finished cleaning everything and he came out wearing some baggy blue jeans with a white belt and a black tank top. I start to melt.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks and I nod staring at body more than I usually would. He starts walking outside and I follow him. He gets into the passenger seat while I start the car, previously putting on the playlist Matt made for us and Feel Good Inc. by Gorrilaz started playing and I start to dance and I made way to our first secret location.

We stopped at a red light and I took out a bandana I had in my bag. "What's that for?" He asks with a smirk. "Don't get any idea perv." I say jokingly with a smile and wrapped it around his eyes. "Its a surprise." I say very seductively and he smirks. I pulled into the location and shut the car door after climbing out of it of course. Then I opened Matt's door and led he out of it before closing it as well and positioned him in a perfect spot to take in the view.

"Okay in 3 take off your blindfold!" I say getting ready to pose. I put my arms in the air in a off centered "v" shape as to reveal something and a big smile on my face. "Okay."



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