twenty nine.

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Everyone says and gets out of the their hiding space. Brockhampton, Halsey, Troye Sivan, Ryan Beatty, Tyler, The Creator, Maysie and Rosie, Frank Ocean (no he did not drop the album.), and the rest of his family and friends were there and I looked at him to see a tear run down his cheek. "All this for me?" He asks and Joba comes to Matt. "Happy fucking birthday!" Joba says and everyone cheers. "Turn on the fucking music bitch." Tyler says and everyone starts dancing and having fun. Especially Matt and I. I got to meet Matt's family and his sister is so sweet and his mother is absolutely amazing. I hung out with Cara, Garson and Matt for the most part and I was dancing with all three of them until.

"Guys, guys, guys." Troye says in his beautiful accent turning down the music. "I think it's time for cake is it not?" He says and everyone cheers. Everyone walks to the big buffet table and Ian and Ciarán bring out a big cake with candles on it and sets it on the table. Matt is facing the cake and lights the candle. "3,2,1" Tyler led the song. "Happy birthday to you." Everyone sings and Matt holds me close. We finish the song and Matt blows out his candle. Everyone applauds and cheers. "What did you wish for?" Halsey asks and everyone goes silent. "I have everything I could have asked for. A perfect career that has led me to my heroes, the best friends I could ever have, inspiring fans who motivate and care about me, a lovely mom and sister to be by my side always, and a wonderful girlfriend that I love oh so much. I am the luckiest man on the planet and I love each and everyone one of you. Thank you." He says and everyone applauds once more. "Have you ever been to a party before?" The song Palace plays and everyone starts to dance and eat cake.

I was dancing with Cara when we hear a knock on the door. The music cuts out. "It's probably the pizza guy." Dom says and opens the door. It wasn't the pizza guy. Xander comes busting through the door and walk towards me. Everyone just stands still.

"Katalina, it doesn't have to be this way." Xander says and everyone backs away. "What do you mean?" I say. "We can still be together, you don't have to be with this fuck ass Mickey Mouse." He says and everyone stays silent. Matt comes between me and Xander. "Get out of here. Nobody invited you." Matt says protecting me. "I think I'm going to stay for a while." Xander says. "Bro just get-" Dom says and Xander pulls out a gun. "I said, I think I'm going to stay." Xander says and everyone takes a step back and puts their hands up. "Woah man you don't have to do that." Matt says backing up to protect me. "Let me talk to the girl." Xander says. "No." Matt says and Xander loads the gun. "If you don't fucking let me talk to the girl-" Xander says coming closer to Matt. "I swear to god, I will fucking kill you and you will never see your girlfriend again." Matt stands still. I had to do something, he had the gun pointed at Matt. I stepped out in front of Matt. "Katalina what are you doing?" Matt says angrily. "Trust me." I say. "Katalina no. Come back." He says even more heated. "Just trust me!" I yell. Putting my arms out protecting Matt. "Look Xander, you don't have to do this. I will talk to you and be there for you." I say taking a step closer. "Katalina what are you doing?" Matt says on the verge of crying. "I know what I'm doing." I say coming closer to Xander. "Just put down the gun, nobody needs to get hurt." I say coming closer to Xander. "Matt needs to hurt like I hurt, feel my pain like I have." Xander says crying and panicking. "Katalina, move out the way." He says and I stay the same. I look at the trigger which has his finger on it and my heart starts to beat fast. "KATALINA MOVE!" Matt says and I take a deep breath in.

He shoots the gun in panic and the heat of the bullet runs straight through my chest. Xander drops down to the ground as do I. Matt runs up to me screaming my name. "Call an ambulance!" Matt screams and holds me. "Matt," I wipe his tears. "I love you, and I always will." I say crying. "I love you too." He says crying harder. I kiss him. "You are in my heart, soul, and laughter. I love you." I say knowing these words will be my last. "Katalina don't leave me." Matt says as I take in my last breath.

"See you soon."

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