chapter two

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"What's the matter, Potter?" Draco called from his broom, "Can't keep up?"

Harry scoffed, "You wish!"

Harry chased after him on his broom, Draco took off as well, trying his hardest to stay in front of him. His efforts were in vain, however, for Harry had a knack for flying. When Harry had caught up to him, and they were flying right by one another, Draco smirked at him and ran his broom into Harry's sending him flying in the other direction.

"Draco," he screeched. 

He laughed as he flew past Harry, gaining the lead once more. He kept flying until he was on the other side of the Quidditch pitch. He turned his broom to look back at Harry but he was nowhere in sight.

"Harry?" He called.

"What's the matter?" Harry asked from behind him, "Can't keep up?"

Draco turned and saw Harry, but that was impossible, he had been in front of him.

"How did you-" Draco growled.

Harry's laugh filled his ears, Draco shot him a scowl. He still didn't think it was possible for Harry to have beat him to it.

"Oh lighten up Draco. You know I'll always beat you in everything," Harry teased flying closer to him.

"Whatever, Prat. You and I both know I exceed at everything I do, far better than you," Draco shoved his shoulders, nearly pushing him off his broom.

Harry pushed back. Draco held on and responded with an even stronger advance, this time Draco took off across the Quidditch pitch. Harry followed, Both of them laughing hysterically. 

*First year*

Madame Hootch stood in front of them, pacing along the lines of students. Gryffindor on one side and the Slytherin on the other. Draco stood next to Harry, ready to impress him. He had already bragged to him about the lessons that his father had put him in when he was younger, telling Harry that he was already better than any player on the Hogwarts Quidditch team. Harry had scoffed at this but now Draco was ready to prove to him that he had not been lying.

"Flying is not unlike walking. It's just much more difficult, and far more dangerous," Madame Hootch said, "Now, place your hand above your broom and say, 'UP.'"

All of the students started yelling at their brooms.

"Watch this," Draco whispered to Harry. He then put his hand above his broom and without saying a single word, commanded it into his hand.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" Harry asked. Harry maintained eye contact with him and without even looking at his broom, made it fly up into his hand. "Got anything to say about that?"

"Beginners luck, "Draco said, feeling a bit jealous. "No matter, just wait until I start flying."

But that boast was soon put to an end when Madame Hootch announced that they would not be flying, that this was all they were going to be practicing until next class.

"Well, I guess it will have to wait until next time," Harry said, placing his broom back on the ground.

Draco didn't want to wait until next class, Harry would not believe him until he saw it in action.

Abruptly, there was a small squeal from one of the Gryffindor. The whole class turned and looked at the boy who had just smacked himself in the face with the broom, his nose began to bleed.

"Oh of course, "Madame Hootch complained. "Nobody move, I am going to take this boy to the hospital wing, do not touch your brooms until I have returned."

She grabbed the boy by the elbow and dragged him across the field back to the castle. This had given Draco a brilliant idea, he could now show Harry that he could, in fact, fly.

"Alright, now that she's gone I guess I can show you what you've been waiting for," Draco smirked at him, jumping on the broom and kicking off the ground.

"No, You mustn't. You'll get in trouble," said a bushy-haired Gryffindor.

"Oh shut it, mudblood. I'll do what I please." He flew higher.

"Don't call her that, "Harry said, following Draco into the air.

"What's the matter with it, Potter? It's the truth."

"You shut your mouth," Harry flew closer, ready to knock him off his broom.

"Why don't you make me?" Draco dodged Harry's broom,  "You can't possibly think you can catch me." Draco laughed and flew further away from Harry, but Harry was resilient. He flew after him with great speed, faster even than Draco.

Feeling a bit panicked, Draco took a sharp turn back down to the ground, leaving Harry confused as he tried to slow down. He had almost ran into the castle wall before he could slow down enough to stop.

Draco was back on the ground when Madame Hootch, along with Professor Snape had come back to the field.

"Harry Potter," Snape called.

He was back on the ground soon after, being dragged back to the school.

When Harry had returned to the Slytherin dormitories that night Draco had already rehearsed his Apology.

"Save your breath Draco, it's nothing to worry about. You just got me onto the Quidditch team," He boasted. Draco's mouth dropped in disbelief. First years weren't allowed on the Quidditch team.

"Well what about a broom, you don't have a broom and first years aren't allowed to have them."

Draco still wasn't going to believe that Harry had made it onto the team, He hadn't even gotten in trouble at all.

"They're giving me special permission to have a broom and play as the seeker of the team, too bad you got scared and rushed back to the ground before anyone could see you, you might have made the team too," Harry smiled at him, leaving him and the other Slytherin first years in disbelief.

* * *

Back on the ground after Quidditch practice, both boys headed to the locker room. They were still laughing. It had been a good practice after the team captain had yelled at them to stop messing around and get back to work, Draco felt like he had gotten a lot of good pointers and improved his form a ton.

"Harry, how would you feel about going to the library to study with me tonight?" Draco asked once they had put their stuff away.

"Oh, I already had plans, I was going to study with Hermione and Ron but I'll catch you later tonight."Harry then left the locker room, leaving Draco alone.

What was so great about either of those two anyway, personally, he thought he was much better than both of them. They weren't even in the same house

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