Chapter Ten

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Draco laid in bed, thinking about the Granger girl. She had been petrified by the monster along with another girl, he couldn't remember what house she belonged to but it didn't really matter. Harry's friend Hermione had been hurt. He didn't really feel bad about it until Harry started to make a big deal about it.

Harry had gotten all panicky after it happened, telling Draco over and over again that he had to stop whatever was going on. He seemed determined to figure it out, all on his own. Draco didn't think it was possible for the boy to solve the mystery if Dumbledore himself didn't even know what was going on.

Hermione was probably more likely to figure it out than he was. But she wasn't going to figure out anything in the state she was in. Draco rolled over, Harry was with her in the hospital wing at that moment. Although as it got later he thought for sure Madame Pomfrey would have kicked him out. He sat up and pulled his legs over the edge of the bed, letting his feet fall to the floor.

He pulled back his curtains and then the curtains to Harry's bed, it was still empty. 

Draco couldn't think of any other place that he could have gone. Unless he really had figured it out. He didn't believe for one second that that was the case but he snuck out of the dormitories to look for him anyway.

He decided to check the first place he could think of, Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, where he had left the journal.

He crept as silently as he could down the corridor, checking over his shoulder several times to make sure no one was following him. He slipped into the bathroom and found it empty. He let out the breath he was holding, of course, Harry hadn't figured it out. How could he? He turned to leave and smacked into another body.

He stumbled backward to find that Harry had just entered the bathroom with Ron by his side.

"I knew we'd find him here," Ron said, stepping around Draco to stand behind him so that he couldn't run away.

"What do you mean? I always go to this bathroom to think, no one ever comes in here," Draco stated. They wouldn't believe his lie but it was worth a try. "Now the real question we all should be asking is what are you guys doing in the girl's bathroom?"

"We figured it out," Harry said. "All this chamber stuff. Well, Hermione did. We found a page from a book in her hands, the Basilisk. That's what's been petrifying all the Muggle-borns."

Draco sighed, he wasn't going to tell Harry that he had started this whole mess. "Good for you."

"That's all you have to say about it?" Ron sounded appalled. "We just caught you! We now know you're the one-"

"The one what, Weasley? What did you catch me doing exactly? Nothing? That's right. I'm not doing anything, "Draco snapped at him.

"What do you know about it then?" Harry asked, strangely calm. There was no anger in his voice, "you're not down here for no reason. And I know you know something."

Draco had promised himself that year that he wouldn't tell Harry anything about the Dark Lords plans, but it felt impossible, he just wanted to be helpful to him. He also felt a little bad about what happened to Hermione. They weren't friends or anything and he hadn't actually petrified her but he felt personally responsible for it.

"Fine, Tom Riddle's journal. The Dark Lord is somehow inhabiting it and he used it to open the Chamber, releasing the Basilisk."

"Tom Riddle's journal?" Ron asked.

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