Chapter Three

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 It was their third year at Hogwarts and Draco still felt like he hadn't really gotten Harry to fully correspond with his appeal for friendship. He was still always running off with his friends from Gryffindor. Draco could have guessed from the beginning that he would have rather spent time with them. He watched them sometimes when they hung out, he thought the Weasley boy was rather dirty and unkempt and the Granger girl was a know-it-all. But they were the sort that Harry would want to be friends with.

He figured Harry would want to be friends with a wizard who was of higher status like himself but that didn't seem to be the case. Sure Harry spent time with him, at meals and whenever they were in the dormitories and they did have a good time whenever they were together. But it wasn't enough to make Harry want to spend time him. Unfortunately, Draco didn't really know to make Harry want to spend time with him, he had tried indulging on what he wanted to do, seeming interested in the most arbitrary things. He even visited Hagrid the oaf sometimes when Harry wanted to.

Draco was at a loss but he decided to keep trying. There was something about Harry that he just wanted to have around, something out of the ordinary, something that could not be found at his house.

*First Year*

Draco followed him out the dormitories.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm not going to tell you, now stop following me, can you not just leave me alone?" Harry sped up.

"Harry, just tell me where you're going, I want to come," Draco kept up with ease. He couldn't imagine where Harry would be going, they had no classes until later that afternoon and they had already finished lunch.

"I can promise that you don't want to come," Harry said, he left the castle and strode out to the courtyard where Ron and Hermione stood.

"What is he doing here?" Ron asked he didn't even try to hide the disgust in his voice.

"I have more of a right to be here than you do, Weasley," Draco barked at him.

"I told you that you wouldn't want to come, now can you leave. I don't want you insulting my friends." Harry looked at him impatiently.

Draco had a few options here, he could stay and offer to be nice to Harry's lowlife friends, he continued to follow him without making any promises to be nice, or he could leave Harry alone. He thought for a second. He ruled out the last option, he was not going to leave Harry alone.

"What if I promised to be nice to your dimwitted Friends?" Draco asked.

"I don't think you know how to be nice, It's in your blood to be nasty," Hermione said.

"Says the mudblood," Draco scoffed.

"There you go again," Harry said. "None of us want you here, and I'm sure Hagrid would rather you stay far away from him."

"Ah, so you're going to Hagrid's, well I'd very much like to visit him too." As this left Draco's mouth he knew he shouldn't have said it, he wanted nothing to do with such a dirty place.

"Oh really?" Harry asked. "I'm sure your manicured nails wouldn't mind it at all. But if you're so sure you can come with us, he'll have lots of sprout sandwiches there for us."

It was too late for Draco to back out now, so he followed them, knowing that his father would be very disappointed in him. Every word that came out of his father's mouth about the Gameskeeper was not pleasant, he knew what his father thought about him. He had a hard time not thinking the same as his father.

They reached Hagrid's hut and Harry gave him a smirk, Harry must have known that he was regretting following him. He told himself that he was not going to let Harry know how he felt, even if he had to lie about his experience.

"'Arry!" Hagrid greeted them,"'ermione, Ron, and Malfoy?"He couldn't keep the question out of his voice. He was obviously confused that he was there, and with good reason.

"Hello Hagrid, I've decided to hang out with Harry today, and here we are," He tried his best to smile.

Hagrid cleared his throat, "well no matter, come in, we've lots to talk about."

He opened the door the rest of the way and the filling into the kitchen. Immediately Draco wanted to leave, the smell alone was unbearable. He didn't even want to look around at the mess, everything was out of order and looked as if it were hundreds of years old. His disgust was clear and Harry made note of it.

"You can leave whenever you want," He said.

"No, no," Draco said. "Why would I want to leave."

No one believed he wanted to stay.

"Well," Hagrid started." Guess I'll start." He handed them a piece of cake that looked as if it were made of dirt." there have been disturbances in the 'orest lately. Many of the centares 'ave told me about strange people about. I think they're tryin' to get into the castle." 

Draco swallowed hard, he had heard his father talking about Death Eaters trying to get into the castle for the dark lord.

"When I brought it up to Dumbledore he said it was impossible for anyone to get into the castle, but we're tryin' to put up a more secure border around the castle, just for the safety of the students,"

Draco stayed silent as Harry and his friends discussed possible theories of what could be going on because he knew what was going on. Voldemort wanted his followers closer to Hogwarts, he didn't know but he did know that Dumbledore was in the way.

"What's also strange," Hagrid said, handing them a copy of the daily prophet, "This break-in at Gringotts, lemme tell you 'arry, I was there that day, at the bank, makin' a withdrawal from the vault that was broken into."

Draco knew about that too, he had also been in Diagonally the day of the break-in, he started to suspect his father for it. He had left him and his mother for a good period of time while they looked for his school books. 

As they left, Harry commented on how quiet he had been.

"I must say I am proud of you, not one rude word, although to be fair you didn't speak at all, were you really that uncomfortable?" Hermione and Ron laughed a little.

"Oh shove off, Potter. I know what's going on, and I probably shouldn't be telling you." Draco could tell this was funny to Harry. Him? Knowing what was going on?

"Right, well that's believable so why don't we all just bow down to the all-knowing Draco Malfoy, because clearly, he is the superior one here," Harry said sarcastically.

"You wouldn't understand," Draco said, but part of him was glad Harry didn't believe him. Now he would ask more questions. He wasn't sure if his father would want him to be saying anything, especially not to the Potter's son. 

"Of course, no one but you would understand, we're all too dimwitted." Harry scowled at him.

* * *

Draco sighed as Harry came back through the entrance hole into the dormitories. He had books in his hand and a smile on his face.

"You're still awake?" Harry asked.

"Well yes, I have lots of homework to do, "Draco said, in hopes that Harry still had something to do as well.

"Well I hope you finish it, it's getting late. Good night," Harry said, leaving him alone.

"Damn." Draco packed up his stuff. He was in no mood to do homework now. 

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