chapter Six

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Draco hadn't talked to Harry in days. He had avoided him at all costs. He definitely missed him, but between him, Pansy, and Blaise, he couldn't have cared less. Harry noticed that Draco was avoiding him, it was quite obvious. If Harry sat next to him the Great Hall Draco would get up immediately and find somewhere else to sit, if he walked into the commons room and Draco was there, Draco made it a scene to pack up his stuff and leave.

Quidditch Practice was getting ridiculous, Draco would fly as far away from him as possible, even if Flint had not told him to. It would cost them the next match against Gryffindor if it kept up. 

But Draco didn't care. He wasn't ready to let Harry back into his life. Blaise kept telling him over and over again that he shouldn't get involved with the Potters anyway, they were on the other side. Which was true, their parents weren't fighting for the same thing but Draco wasn't fighting for either side. He didn't want to be in this war at all, he just wanted to live like a normal kid, make friends with whoever he wanted to, not worry about his father being angry with every wrong move, and maybe even relax once in a while.

There was nothing Draco could do, however. About three weeks into ignoring Harry, and about two days away from the Quidditch match against Gryffindor, Draco received a letter from his father. It told him that he would not be returning to Hogwarts the next year if the Dark Lords plan to kill enough members of the Order was fulfilled. It was happening, the Dark Lord was getting ready to take over the ministry. Draco knew that that had been the plan all along but it was sooner than he had thought.

He swallowed hard and glanced at the faces around him. What was he going to do? He didn't want to just stop going to school. His eyes scanned the spot where Harry was sitting at the table, alone and reading a book.

He stood, and told Blaise he was going to be right back. He walked to the exit, he ran his fingers lightly across Harry's back as he passed him, hoping it would get his attention, hoping that Harry would follow him out of the room. He didn't know what he was doing but he couldn't let anything happen to Harry's family, or others that he was close to. 

He waited just outside the entrance to the Great Hall and sure enough, Harry had followed him. He didn't look angry, or even confused, he looked worried.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Draco handed him the letter his father had sent him without a word. Neither of them spoke for a while after Harry had read it. He obviously didn't what to do either.

"We have to tell Dumbledore," Harry finally said.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea," Draco said, he was holding back tears, he wasn't going to cry in front of Harry but he couldn't hold in any of his emotions anymore. "My father would know that I told him. How would Dumbledore all of a sudden know information that my father has only told to me?"

Harry clearly noticed that Draco was on the verge of tears, he looked at him somberly and brought him into a tight hug, it was weird for both of them, they had never made this much contact before.

"We'll figure out something, and I'm sure if we told Dumbledore, he could help us figure something out too," 

Draco nodded into Harry's chest. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you," He choked. "Our parents are just on two different sides, it would be too difficult to maintain a friendship."

"Well obviously you're not on the same side as they are, you just gave away vital information."

"This whole war thing is just so stupid, why do my parents have to be on his side? Can't they see what they're doing is wrong, that it's hurting people?" Draco felt Harry's fingertips running up and down his back in comfort. He felt so much calmer.

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